microsimr provides functions for simulating microsatellite data under a coalescent using Hudson's ms program. The user is able to analyze the simulated data directly within R. There is also the option of outputting the simulated data in a format suitable for Migrate-N. Functions to output simulated data in other formats can be added upon request (e.g., IMa2 or LAMARC). Currently, microsimr only simulates microsatellite data under a symmetrical strict stepwise mutation model, and a two-phase mutation model with symmetrical geometric distribution. Other mutation models can be considered if there is interest.
To install microsimr
you need Hadley Wickam's devtools
You can then install microsimr
If you want the vignettes to be installed, you should use:
devtools::install_github("andersgs/microsimr", build_vignettes = TRUE)
But, this will take a little longer to install.
To simulate 100 loci at theta = 5 (per locus mutation rate scaled by the effective population size --- 4Nemu) genotyped across 20 individuals, with 10 individuals sampled from each of 2 populations exchanging migrants at the rate of 15 migrants per generation (4Nem = 15):
simd_data <- microsimr::sim_microsats(theta = 5,
n_ind = c(10,10),
n_loc = 100,
n_pop = 2,
ms_options = "-I 2 20 20 15")
The data can then be saved to a Migrate-N formatted input file thus:
microsimr::save_microsimr(genotypes = simd_data,
filename = "infile",
n_ind = c(10,10),
n_pop = 2,
n_loc = 100,
format = 'migrate-n')