This is a Ruby on Rails project created for Beezen selection following these requirements:
- JSON api to list alerts
- JSON api to create alerts
- Alerts dashboard
- All pages should be authenticated
- Only alerts of type "portal_opened" and "portal_closed" should be created
Things you may want to know to run it:
- Ruby 3.2.1
- Rails 7.0.4
Run bundle
to install all needed gems to start running the application.
Also gotta build the css and js assets (for the dashboard):
rails css:build
rails javascript:build
Use rails s
to start the server.
To create and populate the database, use:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
Seeding will create sample alerts and a sample user with the following credentials:
E-mail: [email protected]
Password: password12
Use this user to log into the dashboard or use it to authenticate on the API. There is no other way to signing up apart from creating the user through Rails console or inserting it into sqlite database (thought it wouldn't make sense to allow users sign up on a dashboard with sensitive data.
POST request to /api/users/sign_in with this json body:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password12"
The response will include in its headers these two keys:
- Refresh-Token (which will be used for refreshing your access tokens, keep this)
- Access-Token (which will be used on all other requests, keep this)
- Expire-at (so you know when your token is going to expire) Example:
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"email": "[email protected]", "password": "password12"}'
GET request to /api/alerts with the access token in its header Authorization.
You have to insert into header:
key with value Bearer #{INSERT Access-Token HERE}
It is going to return an array of json objects listing all the existing alerts.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyjHb....hu72n"
POST request to /api/alerts with the access token in its header Authorization.
You have to insert into header:
key with value Bearer #{INSERT Access-Token HERE}
The JSON body should look like this:
"type": "portal_opened",
"description": "A portal was opened",
"tag": ["version3.8.9", "production"],
"origin": ""
(this was the sample payload mentioned in requirements) Bear in mind that the alert will only be created if the type is either "portal_opened" or "portal_closed" (also a requirement). Example:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhb...bLO9L6EI" \
-d '{"type": "portal_opened", "description": "A portal was opened", "tag": ["version3.8.9", "production"], "origin": ""}'
POST request to /api/users/tokens with this headers:
- Authorization: Bearer #{INCLUDE Access-Token HERE}
- Refresh-token: #{INCLUDE Refresh-token HERE} Example:
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhb...Vx0XjXM" \
-H "Refresh-Token: TNKkEZfAvaH676QmnJuJTA"
The response header will include a new refresh token (the old one will be invalidated) and a new access token.