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Home Data File

Andrew Salib edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 3 revisions

Home Data File


Contains content used for the home page. This file uses link objects.

Title & Text

These are 2 common properties used on the home page. They're very self-explanatory.


This is the hero that shows at the top of the website with the background, big call to action and text. It contains title, text and a link to take the test.


The introduction on the home page.


The about section of the home page.


This is a portfolio of all 9 profiles. It only has a title as the profiles are grabbed from the profile data file.


This is the testimonial/quote on the home page. Contains text, image and an author object that takes name and company properties.


This is the final call to action at the end of the home page before the footer. Contains text and a link.


This contains a heading and a list. The list contains a list of objects that have an image property. Each object is a partner.