1.register a wallet,register address:https://wallet.shardnet.near.org/,create a successful example
2.log in to hetzner, if you don't have an account, please complete the registration first .
3.Buy a 4-core 8G 500G server, choose Ubuntu 20.04 as the operating system for example
5.make sure the linux machine is up-to-date.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
6.Install developer tools, Node.js, and npm
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install build-essential nodejs
7.Install NEAR-CLI and select the correct network
sudo npm install -g near-cli
export NEAR_ENV=shardnet
echo 'export NEAR_ENV=shardnet' >> ~/.bashrc
8.NEAR CLI Commands Guide
near proposals
near validators current
near validators next
9.Install developer tools:
sudo apt install -y git binutils-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev libdw-dev libiberty-dev cmake gcc g++ python docker.io protobuf-compiler libssl-dev pkg-config clang llvm cargo
sudo apt install python3-pip
10.Set the configuration
USER_BASE_BIN=$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin
11.Building env&Install Rust & Cargo
sudo apt install clang build-essential make
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
12.Clone nearcore project from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/near/nearcore
cd nearcore
git fetch
git checkout c1b047b8187accbf6bd16539feb7bb60185bdc38
13.Compile nearcore binary
cargo build -p neard --release --features shardnet
14.Initialize working directory & Replace the config.json
./target/release/neard --home ~/.near init --chain-id shardnet --download-genesis
rm ~/.near/config.json
wget -O ~/.near/config.json https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/build.nearprotocol.com/nearcore-deploy/shardnet/config.json
15.Install AWS Cli
sudo apt-get install awscli -y
16.Run the node
cd ~/nearcore
./target/release/neard --home ~/.near run
The node is now running you can see log outputs in your console. Your node should be find peers, download headers to 100%, and then download blocks.
17.Authorize Wallet Locally
near login
Copy the link in your browser
Grant Access to Near CLI
After Grant, you will see a page like this, go back to console
Enter your wallet and press Enter
18.Create a validator_key.json
near generate-key andots
cp ~/.near-credentials/shardnet/andots.factory.shardnet.near.json ~/.near/validator_key.json
19.Change private_key to secret_key(vim ~/.near/validator_key.json),File content must be in the following pattern:
"account_id": "xx.factory.shardnet.near",
"public_key": "ed25519:HeaBJ3xLgvZacQWmEctTeUqyfSU4SDEnEwckWxd92W2G",
"secret_key": "ed25519:****"
20.Setup Systemd Command:
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/neard.service
Description=NEARd Daemon Service
ExecStart=/root/nearcore/target/release/neard run
sudo systemctl enable neard
sudo systemctl start neard
Watch logs
journalctl -n 100 -f -u neard
log after successful installation