#node monitoring (prometheus+grafana)for ubuntu
- [install node_exporter]
- [install prometheus and grafana]
- [config granfana]
It needs to be installed on the host where HyperNode or Klaytn is located!
Run the following command:
wget https://github.com/andotsio/node_monitor/raw/main/node_exporter-install.sh
sh node_exporter-install.sh
Check if the installation was successful Run the following command:
curl http://localhost:9100/metrics
install node_exporter verbose log:
- Ubuntu 20.04 (tested on this OS)
- CPU: 4 cores
- RAM: 8GB
- 500G SSD drive
wget https://github.com/andotsio/node_monitor/raw/main/prometheus-install.sh
sh prometheus-install.sh
install prometheus verbose log:
wget https://github.com/andotsio/node_monitor/raw/main/grafana-install.sh
sh grafana-install.sh
install grafana verbose log:
a. Access in browser: http://ip:3000/login
The default username and password are admin/admin. After successful login, you need to change the password by yourself.
b. add prometheus datasource
c.Import via panel 1860 (for more dashboards visit https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/)
d.After the configuration is successful, the effect is as follows