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This module implements data backup for NethServer using different engines.

Available engines:

  • duplicity: execute a full backup once a week, an incremental snapshot all other days of the week. Compression is enabled by default, encryption is not currently supported. It supports only storage backend which can be mounted on a local directory. Used also for the single backup.
  • restic: always execute incremental backups using file deduplication. Encryption is always enabled, compression is not implemented. It supports local and remote backends.
  • rsync: Time Machine-style backup using rsync. Very fast and reliable, the destination contains just regular files which can be easily accessed.

The nethserver-backup-data package requires nethserver-backup-config.


Backups can be scheduled in different hours to multiple storage backends.

Global properties

This configuration is applied to all backups. It uses the key backup-data inside configuration database.


  • IncludeLogs: if enabled, add /var/log directory to backup, can be enabled or disabled. Default is disabled.

Local properties

This configuration is applied only to the selected backups. Every backup record is saved inside the backups database. Each record can have 3 different types:

  • duplicity
  • restic
  • rsync

The key of the record is referred as the backup name.

Common properties:

  • status : enable or disable the automatic backup, can be enabled or disabled. Default is enabled. Regardless of this property, the backup is always executed if started manually
  • BackupTime: time of the scheduled backup. Must be in the cron-style syntax: Es. 15 7 * * *. Runs on 7:15.
  • VFSType : set the backup medium, can be usb, cifs, nfs or webdav.
  • SMBShare: contains the Samba share name
  • SMBHost : host name of the SMB server
  • SMBLogin : login user for the SMB server
  • SMBPassword : password for the SMB server
  • USBLabel : contains the filesystem label
  • NFSHost : host name of the NFS server
  • NFShare : contains the NFS share name
  • Notify: if set to always, always send a notification with backup status; if set to error, send a notification only on error; if set to never, never send a notification
  • NotifyTo: send the notification to given mail address, default is root@localhost
  • WebDAVUrl : contains the WebDAV URL address
  • WebDAVLogin : login user for the WebDAV server
  • WebDAVPassword : password for the WebDAV server
  • CleanupOlderThan : time to retain backups, accept duplicity syntax (eg. 7D, 1M). Default is: never (keep all backups)

Supported VFSType:

  • cifs : save the backup on a remote SMB server. Authentication is mandatory.
  • nfs : save the backup on a remote NFS server. No authentication supported.
  • usb : save the backup on a USB device. The device must have a writable filesystem with a custom label. When the backup is started, the system will search for an USB device with the filesystem label saved in USBLabel.
  • webdav : save the backup on a WebDAV server. When using a secure connection make sure the target WebDAV server has a valid SSL certificate, otherwise the system will fail mounting the filesystem.

Backward compatibility

To retain the backward compatibility with the old "single backup" feature, a backup named backup-data has the following special features:

  • can have a NotifyFrom prop to specify the sender address of notification mail
  • the backup can be modified from the old Server Manger and the status is reported inside the dashboard
  • can be selectively restored using nethserver-restore-data package


The main command is /sbin/e-smith/backup-data -b <name> which starts the backup process. The backup is composed of three parts:

  • pre-backup-data event: prepare the system (eg. dump of mysql tables)
  • /etc/e-smith/events/actions/backup-data-<program> action: execute the backup This actions must implement full/incremental logic and should also take care to mount and umount the destination
  • post-backup-data: cleanup. Actions in this event can also implement retention policies

Logs and wrapper

Everything is logged to standard output and standard error.

If the backup is executed using backup-data-wrapper, a new log will be created inside /var/log/backup.

After backup execution, the wrapper will also call all executable scripts inside /etc/backup-data.hooks/ directory.

Each script is invoked with the following parameters:

  • backup name
  • log file
  • backup exit code

Default hooks

  • backup-dashboard-status: save the status of the backup /var/spool/backup/status-<backup_name>
  • backup-notify: send backup notifications mails

Adding a backup

  1. Create a backup record with all required options. Example: create a restic backup named t1 using sFTP backend:

    db backups set t1 restic VFSType sftp SftpHost SftpUser root SftpPort 22 SftpDirectory /mnt/t1 status enabled BackupTime 3:00 CleanupOlderThan 30D Notify error NotifyTo root@localhost
  2. Enable the configuration:

echo -e "Nethesis,1234" > /tmp/t1-password; signal-event nethserver-backup-data-save t1  /tmp/t1-password

Start a backup

Start the backup, by passing the name of the backup to backup-data command. Example:

backup-data -b t1

Disk usage

Each backup script creates statistics about disk utilization on the backup destination. Statistics are available only for: cifs, nfs and usb.

Data are saved inside /var/spool/backup/disk_usage-<backup_name>.


In the pre-backup-data event the disk analyzer (Duc) make an indexing of filesystem, useful to create the graphical tree.

The name of the actions is /etc/e-smith/events/actions/nethserver-restore-data-duc-index and it compose the JSON file to create the navigable graphic tree.

The indexing feature is limited to the backup named backup-data.



Add custom include/exclude inside following files:

  • /etc/backup-data.d/custom.include
  • /etc/backup-data.d/custom.exclude

This configuration is applied to all backups.


Each backup can override the global list of include/exclude by creating two special files:

  • /etc/backup-data/<name>.include
  • /etc/backup-data/<name>.exclude

Where name is the name of the backup.

Retention policy

All backups can be deleted after a certain amount of time. Cleanup process takes place in post-backup-data event. See CleanupOlderThan property.


Restore from command line

The main command is /sbin/e-smith/restore-data -b <name> which starts the restore process:

  • pre-restore-data event: used to prepare the system (Eg. mysql stop)
  • restore-data-<program> action: search for a backup in the configuration database and restore it
  • post-restore-data event: used to inform programs about new available data (eg. mysql restart)

To restore all data into the original location, use:

restore-data -b <name>

To restore a file or directory, use:

restore-file -b <name> <position> <path>

Restore from graphic interface

NOTE: this apply only to special backup named backup-data

After the selection of the paths to restore, the main command called is /usr/libexec/nethserver/nethserver-restore-data-help that reads the list of paths to restore and creates a executable command to restore the directories. If the second option of restore was selected (Restored file without overwrite the existing files), after the restore in a temp directory, the script moves the restored directories in the correct paths.

List backup contents

The list of file inside each backup can be obtained using:

/sbin/e-smith/backup-data-list -b <name>


The default program used for backup is duplicity using the globbing file list feature. Encryption is disabled and duplicity cache is stored in /var/lib/nethserver/backup/duplicity/ directory. We plan to support all duplicity features in the near future.

See for more information.

Extra options

Properties valid only for duplicity engine, see "Single backup" section for an explanation of each property:

  • Type : can be full or incremental. If full, a full backup will be executed every time. If incremental, a full backup will be executed once a week at FullDay, all other backups will be incremental
  • FullDay : number of day of the week when a full backup will be executed. Can be a number from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). Defaults is 0.
  • VolSize : size of chunks in MB, if supported by Program. Default is 250

Storage backends

Supported VFSType :

  • usb
  • cifs
  • nfs
  • webdav

Listing backup sets

To list current backup sets:

  1. Mount the backup directory
  2. Query duplicity status
  3. Umount the backup directory

Just execute:

/etc/e-smith/events/actions/mount-`config getprop backup-data VFSType`
duplicity collection-status --no-encryption --archive-dir /var/lib/nethserver/backup/duplicity/ file:///mnt/backup/`config get SystemName`
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/umount-`config getprop backup-data VFSType`


Implement backup engine using restic (, it can be used as duplicity replacement for standard backup or as multiple backup.

In restic, cleanup operations are composed by two commands: forget, to remove a snapshot, and prune, to actually remove the data that was referenced by the deleted snapshot. The prune operation is quite slow and should be executed at least once a week.

Extra options

  • Prune: execute the pruning on the specified time. Valid values are:
    • always: run the prune every time at the end of backup
    • a number between 0 and 6: run the prune on the selected week day (0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday)

Storage backends

Supported VFSType :

  • usb
  • cifs
  • nfs
  • webdav
  • s3: Amazon S3 (or compatible server like Minio)
  • sftp: FTP over SSH
  • b2: BackBlaze B2
  • rest: Restic REST server



Connection to remote host uses a specific public key. A password is needed only once to copy the public key to the remote host. SSH client configuration is added to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.


  • SftpHost: SSH host name or IP address
  • SftpUser: SSH user
  • SftpPort: SSH port
  • SftpDirectory: destination directory, must be writable by SSH user


db backups set t1 restic status enabled BackupTime '15 7 * * *' CleanupOlderThan 30D Notify error NotifyTo root@localhost Prune 1 \
VFSType sftp SftpHost SftpUser root SftpPort 22 SftpDirectory /mnt/t1
echo -e "Nethesis,1234" > /tmp/t1-password; signal-event nethserver-backup-data-save t1  /tmp/t1-password

The temporary file containing the password will be deleted at the end of nethserver-backup-data-save event.


Amazon S3 ( compatible (like


  • S3AccessKey: user access key
  • S3Bucket: bucket (directory) name
  • S3Host: S3 host, use for Amazon
  • S3SecretKey: secret access key


db backups set t1 restic VFSType s3 BackupTime '15 7 * * *' CleanupOlderThan never Notify error NotifyTo root@localhost status enabled Prune always\
S3AccessKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX S3Bucket restic-demo S3Host S3SecretKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx status enabled
signal-event nethserver-backup-data-save t1

How to setup Amazon S3 access keys:


BackBlaze B2 (


  • B2AccountId: B2 account name
  • B2AccountKey: B2 account secret key
  • B2Bucket: B2 bucket (directory)


db backups set t1 restic VFSType b2 BackupTime '15 7 * * *' CleanupOlderThan never Notify error NotifyTo root@localhost status enabled \
B2AccountId B2AccountId xxxxxxxxxxxx B2AccountKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B2Bucket restic-demo
signal-event nethserver-backup-data-save t1


Restic REST server (


  • RestDirectory: destination directory
  • RestHost: REST server host name or IP address
  • RestPort: REST server port (default for server is 8000)
  • RestProtocol: REST protocol, can be http or https
  • RestUser: user for authentication (optional)
  • RestPassword: password for authentication (optional)


db backups set t1 restic VFSType rest BackupTime '15 7 * * *' CleanupOlderThan never Notify error NotifyTo root@localhost status enabled \
RestDirectory t1 RestHost RestPassword mypass RestPort 8000 RestProtocol http RestUser myuser
signal-event nethserver-backup-data-save t1

Database example:

   BackupTime=1 7 * * *
   BackupTime=15 7 * * *

REST server

To manually install the REST server, download it from and save it under /usr/local/bin/rest-server, example Linux 64bit:

R=0.9.7; wget$R/rest-server-$R-linux-amd64.gz -O - | zcat > /usr/local/bin/rest-server
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/rest-server

Then configure it for NethServer:

wget -O - | sed 's/www\-data/apache/g' > /etc/systemd/system/rest-server.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start rest-server
systemctl enable rest-server
config set rest-server service TCPPort 8000 access green status enabled
signal-event firewall-adjust


Implement Time machine-style backup engine using (, based on rsync ( It can be used as duplicity replacement for standard backup or as multiple backup.

Retention policy

Backup sets are automatically deleted when the disk is getting full.

More info on expiration strategy:

Storage backends

Supported VFSType :

  • usb
  • cifs
  • nfs
  • webdav
  • sftp: FTP over SSH



Connection to remote host uses a specific public key. A password is needed only once to copy the public key to the remote host. SSH client configuration is added to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.


  • SftpHost: SSH host name or IP address
  • SftpUser: SSH user
  • SftpPort: SSH port
  • SftpDirectory: destination directory, must be writable by SSH user


db backups set t1 rsync status enabled BackupTime '15 7 * * *' Notify error NotifyTo root@localhost \
VFSType sftp SftpHost SftpUser root SftpPort 22 SftpDirectory /mnt/t1
echo -e "Nethesis,1234" > /tmp/t1-password; signal-event nethserver-backup-data-save t1  /tmp/t1-password

The temporary file containing the password will be deleted at the end of nethserver-backup-data-save event.

Database example:

   BackupTime=1 7 * * *
   BackupTime=15 7 * * *


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