OCaml memcached client using core, async and bitstring.
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
module Ints = struct
type t = int
let to_string = string_of_int
let of_string = int_of_string
module IntCache = Memcached.Make(Ints)
let main () =
IntCache.connect "localhost" 11212 >>= fun cache ->
IntCache.set cache "foo" 123 >>= fun result ->
IntCache.get cache "foo" >>= fun result ->
IntCache.close cache
main ();
Scheduler.go ()
This project is work in progress.
Issues include:
- It hasn't been packaged up for OPAM yet.
- Insufficient handling of 32 bit ints from memcached.
- bitstring is currently a dependency. I'm considering getting rid of it or fix the string copying which is currently happening under the covers (