Table of Contents
This projected started in the beggining of my university and I setup myself to build an autonumous car that could drive alone.
The main objective was to make the car and add GPS navigation so it could have coordinates previously set up and then run that course.
So it all started with the mechanical part of the project with the palns to be 4 wheel drive and have a better suspension than the previous version. The components were mostly 3D printed and only the shafts and some other parts where bought.
After that, started the developemnt of the eletrical componnets alongside the programming of the code. This part was the most difficult since I had lots of problems with the communication beetwen the car and the controller.
The previous version used bluetoth chips but since the range was very limited i eventualy changed to RF24 chips wich use radio waves that has more range.
Previous version:
For more see the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
The arduino code requires some dependencies:
Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
André Cardoso - [email protected]
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