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Important ⚠️

🚀 A new and improved version is available! 🚀

We kindly invite you to try the latest version of this integration:
➡️ ARSO Weather (Slovenian Weather Integration)

While this version will continue to be supported, the new integration offers improved stability, additional features, and a better overall experience.

Thank you for your support and feedback! Your feedbacks have helped shape the improved version. 🎉

Home Assistant Custom Component - ARSO Weather (BETA)

Vremenska integracija za Home Assistant

This is a custom component for Home Assistant Weather Integration where data is provided by ARSO Vreme. It fetches real-time weather data, daily forecasts, and 3-hour forecasts from the Agencija RS za okolje (ARSO - Slovenian Environment Agency).


Current Weather Conditions: Retrieves real-time weather observations from ARSO, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind gust speed, pressure, visibility, dew point and weather condition.

3 Hour and Daily Forecasts: Displays weather forecasts (temperature, wind speed, wind gust speed, pressure, precipitation and weather condition for 3 hour interval and up to 6 days ahead.

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Cascading Logic for Weather Conditions: The integration uses cascading logic to determine and provide weather conditions, checking weather phenomenon in combination with clouds, weather phenomenon, and clouds to ensure accurate conditions are displayed.

ARSO je pri opisu vremena (trenutno stanje) zelo radodaren in natančen, saj poleg pokritosti neba (oblačnosti) podaja podatke o vremenu tudi z vremenskimi pojavi in kombinacijami le-teh. Zato so možne vse mogoče kombinacije opisa vremena, ki pa jih HA in njegova weather integration ne omogoča in so zato reducirane na osnovne pojave.

Unique ID Support: Each entity now has a unique ID, allowing you to edit and customize entities in Home Assistant.

Slovenian Cloud Condition Translation: Slovenian cloud conditions are translated into English for compatibility with Home Assistant.


No registration, account or fiddling with API's needed. The integration takes care of everything. You just select the desired location or multiple ones and you're done!

Option 1: Manual Installation

Download or clone this repository.

Copy the arso-vremenska-intgracija/custom_components folder to your Home Assistant custom_components directory:

<config directory>/custom_components/arso_weather_integration

Restart Home Assistant to recognize the new integration.

Option 2: HACS

No HACS installation is acurrently vailable. Sorry. Thanks to @peterdolenc for the contributions for Option 2!

If you have a Supervised installation, Option 1 above is not applicable, but you can try manually adding the repository in HACS. Follow these steps:

Go to HACS, click on the three dots in the top right, and select "Custom repositories".

Weather Preview

Use the repository link and select "Integration" as the type.

Weather Preview

Now, search for ARSO Weather integration and install it (Download).

Weather Preview

The installation will require a Home Assistant restart.

Weather Preview

From this point, follow the setup instructions.


Go to the Home Assistant Configuration. Navigate to Devices & Services. Click Add Integration and search for ARSO Weather Integration. Select the integration and follow the prompts to choose your location.


This integration requires selecting a location (Title column) from table below (Notice: locations can change unannounced!).

You can configure multiple locations.

  • Location: Choose a location in Slovenia or a neighboring country including BIH to display weather data from.
ID Parent ID Country Title Latitude Longitude
METEO-16036_ IT_PORDENONE_ IT Aviano 46.03 12.6
METEO-1401_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Babno Polje 45.6452 14.5449
METEO-11213_ AT_GAILTAL_ AT Beljak 46.61 13.88
METEO-16105_ IT_VENEZIA_ IT Benetke 45.5 12.33
METEO-14520_ BIH_ BIH Bihač 44.81 15.88
METEO-1402_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Bilje pri Novi Gorici 45.8954 13.6243
METEO-0038_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Bled 46.3684 14.1101
METEO-1403_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Blegoš 46.1675 14.0816
METEO-1404_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Bohinjska Češnjica 46.2942 13.9422
METEO-1496_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Boršt Gorenja vas 46.0869 14.1806
METEO-1030_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Bovec 46.3308 13.5543
METEO-1405_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Breginj 46.2628 13.4272
METEO-0026_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Brežice 45.9051 15.5947
METEO-1406_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Bukovski vrh 46.1401 13.8885
METEO-1025_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Celje 46.2365 15.2257
METEO-11231_ AT_KAERNTEN_ AT Celovec 46.65 14.33
METEO-0048_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Cerknica 45.796 14.3604
METEO-1407_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Cerkniško jezero 45.723 14.3989
METEO-1033_ SI_BELOKRANJSKA_ SI Črnomelj 45.56 15.1461
METEO-1409_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Davča 46.1976 14.0684
METEO-2002_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Dolenje pri Ajdovščini 45.8663 13.9013
METEO-0013_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Domžale 46.1394 14.5945
METEO-1411_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Gačnik 46.6178 15.6838
METEO-1412_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Godnje 45.7549 13.8436
METEO-1414_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Gornji Grad 46.2987 14.8063
METEO-11240_ AT_STEIERMARK_ AT Gradec 47.0 15.43
METEO-16002_ IT_TRIESTE_ IT Gradež 45.6778 13.3947
METEO-0023_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Grosuplje 45.9569 14.6552
METEO-1415_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Hočko Pohorje 46.492 15.5875
METEO-3414_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Hrastnik 46.1439 15.0833
METEO-1416_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Idrija 46.0109 14.0289
METEO-1037_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Ilirska Bistrica 45.5533 14.2358
METEO-1417_ SI_KOCEVSKA_ SI Iskrba 45.5612 14.858
METEO-0016_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Izola 45.5399 13.6594
METEO-1418_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Jelendol 46.398 14.3445
METEO-1419_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Jeronim 46.2668 14.9481
METEO-1420_ SI_POMURSKA_ SI Jeruzalem 46.4759 16.188
METEO-0011_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Jesenice 46.4344 14.057
METEO-1489_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Jezersko 46.4049 14.5144
METEO-1421_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Juršče 45.6656 14.2973
METEO-1422_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Kadrenci 46.5682 15.9503
METEO-0010_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Kamnik 46.2257 14.6119
METEO-1423_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Kamniška Bistrica 46.3087 14.6033
METEO-1424_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Kanin 46.3581 13.4744
METEO-14232_ HR_LICKO-SENJSKA_ HR Karlovec 45.494 15.565
METEO-1425_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Kneške Ravne 46.2153 13.8247
METEO-1426_ SI_KOCEVSKA_ SI Kočevje 45.6458 14.8496
METEO-1427_ SI_DOLENJSKA_ SI Kočevske Poljane 45.7224 15.0569
METEO-1038_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Koper 45.5481 13.7245
METEO-1428_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Korensko sedlo 46.5167 13.7517
METEO-1469_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Korošče 45.8483 14.4449
METEO-1027_ SI_POMURSKA_ SI Krajinski park Goričko 46.8359 16.0306
METEO-1429_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Kranj 46.2478 14.3647
METEO-14234_ HR_ZAGREBACKA_ HR Krapina 46.138 15.888
METEO-1430_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Kredarica 46.3788 13.8489
METEO-0052_ HR_PRIMORSKO-GORANSKA_ HR Krk 45.0286 14.575
METEO-1431_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Krn 46.238 13.658
METEO-3098_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Krško 45.94 15.4965
METEO-1432_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Krvavec 46.2973 14.5333
METEO-1433_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Kubed 45.52 13.8689
METEO-1434_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Kum 46.0879 15.0732
METEO-1028_ SI_POMURSKA_ SI Lendava 46.5526 16.458
METEO-1035_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Letališče Cerklje ob Krki 45.9009 15.5161
METEO-1023_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Letališče Edvarda Rusjana Maribor 46.4797 15.6821
METEO-1493_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Letališče Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana 46.2175 14.4728
METEO-1034_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Letališče Lesce 46.362 14.1718
METEO-1008_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Letališče Portorož 45.4753 13.6161
METEO-11204_ AT_GAILTAL_ AT Lienz 46.83 12.81
METEO-1435_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Lisca 46.0678 15.2849
METEO-1436_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Litija 46.0652 14.8186
METEO-1495_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Ljubljana 46.0655 14.5124
METEO-0051_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Ljubno ob Savinji 46.3497 14.8343
METEO-1437_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Logarska dolina 46.3936 14.6311
METEO-1438_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Logatec 45.9077 14.2032
METEO-0031_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Lucija 45.5071 13.6046
METEO-1439_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Luče 46.3549 14.7489
METEO-2001_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Luka Koper 45.5645 13.7448
METEO-1440_ SI_POMURSKA_ SI Mačkovci 46.7845 16.162
METEO-1029_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Malkovec 45.9533 15.2049
METEO-1491_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Maribor 46.5678 15.6261
METEO-1410_ SI_DOLENJSKA_ SI Marinča vas 45.8719 14.8178
METEO-0037_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Medvode 46.1402 14.4137
METEO-0029_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Mengeš 46.163 14.5722
METEO-1441_ SI_BELOKRANJSKA_ SI Metlika 45.6442 15.3201
METEO-1442_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Mežica 46.5296 14.8597
METEO-0047_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Miklavž na Dravskem polju 46.5074 15.6974
METEO-1443_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Miklavž na Gorjancih 45.7759 15.3225
METEO-1444_ SI_POMURSKA_ SI Murska Sobota 46.6521 16.1913
METEO-1445_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Nanos 45.7711 14.0538
METEO-3421_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Nova Gorica 45.9556 13.6524
METEO-1446_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Nova vas - Bloke 45.7689 14.5088
METEO-1447_ SI_DOLENJSKA_ SI Novo mesto 45.8018 15.1773
METEO-14328_ HR_LICKO-SENJSKA_ HR Ogulin 45.263 15.222
METEO-1448_ SI_KOCEVSKA_ SI Osilnica 45.5314 14.6915
METEO-3424_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Otlica 45.9381 13.9161
METEO-3029_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Park Škocjanske jame 45.6642 13.9931
METEO-1449_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Pasja ravan 46.0977 14.2282
METEO-1450_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Pavličevo sedlo 46.4251 14.5853
METEO-14308_ HR_ISTARSKA_ HR Pazin 45.241 13.945
METEO-0049_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Piran 45.529 13.5672
METEO-0053_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Planica 46.48 13.7236
METEO-1451_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Planina pod Golico 46.4672 14.0525
METEO-1452_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Planina v Podbočju 45.829 15.5066
METEO-1019_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Podčetrtek 46.1547 15.6083
METEO-1454_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Podnanos 45.8045 13.9659
METEO-1455_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Postojna 45.7722 14.1973
METEO-1456_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Predel 46.4182 13.5784
METEO-0043_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Prevalje 46.5448 14.9031
METEO-1457_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Ptuj 46.4197 15.8492
METEO-14307_ HR_ISTARSKA_ HR Pulj 44.896 13.932
METEO-14321_ HR_PRIMORSKO-GORANSKA_ HR Rab 44.756 14.769
METEO-1413_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Radegunda 46.3661 14.933
METEO-1032_ SI_POMURSKA_ SI Radenci 46.6419 16.0487
METEO-0032_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Radovljica 46.3446 14.1685
METEO-1031_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Rateče 46.4971 13.7129
METEO-1458_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Ratitovec 46.2361 14.0901
METEO-1026_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Ravne na Koroškem 46.5477 14.94
METEO-14216_ HR_PRIMORSKO-GORANSKA_ HR Reka 45.337 14.443
METEO-1460_ SI_KOCEVSKA_ SI Ribnica - Dolenji Lazi 45.7604 14.7134
METEO-1461_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Rogaška Slatina 46.2409 15.6439
METEO-1462_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Rogla 46.453 15.3315
METEO-14303_ HR_ISTARSKA_ HR Rovinj 45.043 13.614
METEO-1463_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Rudno polje 46.3463 13.9235
METEO-0046_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Ruše 46.5386 15.5154
METEO-14323_ HR_LICKO-SENJSKA_ HR Senj 44.993 14.903
METEO-0044_ SI_SPODNJEPOSAVSKA_ SI Sevnica 46.0091 15.3005
METEO-1465_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Sevno 45.9821 14.9236
METEO-0035_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Sežana 45.7073 13.8685
METEO-14244_ HR_ZAGREBACKA_ HR Sisak 45.5 16.367
METEO-1466_ SI_OBALNO-KRASKA_ SI Slavnik 45.5336 13.976
METEO-0021_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Slovenska Bistrica 46.3898 15.5704
METEO-1467_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Slovenske Konjice 46.3432 15.4368
METEO-1470_ SI_NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA_ SI Sviščaki 45.5756 14.3988
METEO-1482_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Šebreljski vrh 46.0629 13.9113
METEO-0041_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Šentjur 46.2184 15.3927
METEO-0014_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Škofja Loka 46.1667 14.3065
METEO-1464_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Šmarje pri Jelšah 46.2329 15.5166
METEO-1471_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu 46.4896 15.1112
METEO-11272_ AT_GAILTAL_ AT Špital 46.78 13.48
METEO-16000_ IT_PORDENONE_ IT Tablja 46.5 13.3167
METEO-1472_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Tatre 45.599 14.0876
METEO-16001_ IT_PORDENONE_ IT Tolmeč 46.4 13.0167
METEO-1473_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Tolmin - Volče 46.1777 13.718
METEO-1474_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Topol 46.0941 14.3713
METEO-3413_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Trbovlje 46.1575 15.054
METEO-1475_ SI_DOLENJSKA_ SI Trebnje 45.911 15.0072
METEO-1468_ SI_PODRAVSKA_ SI Trije Kralji na Pohorju 46.4399 15.4567
METEO-1476_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Trojane - Limovce 46.1986 14.9109
METEO-16110_ IT_TRIESTE_ IT Trst 45.65 13.75
METEO-0050_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Trzin 46.1303 14.5562
METEO-1477_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Uršlja gora 46.4849 14.9634
METEO-14246_ HR_ZAGREBACKA_ HR Varaždin 46.283 16.364
METEO-1478_ SI_GORISKA_ SI Vedrijan 46.0131 13.541
METEO-1479_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Velenje 46.3603 15.1119
METEO-1480_ SI_KOCEVSKA_ SI Velike Lašče 45.831 14.6427
METEO-16046_ IT_UDINE_ IT Videm 46.0614 13.2311
METEO-1481_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Vogel 46.2594 13.8396
METEO-11000_ AT_KAERNTEN_ AT Volšperk 46.85 14.833
METEO-0054_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Vransko 46.2456 14.9518
METEO-1483_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Vrhnika 45.9737 14.2973
METEO-1484_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Vršič 46.4329 13.7478
METEO-1408_ SI_BOVSKA_ SI Zadlog 45.9395 14.0023
METEO-0030_ SI_OSREDNJESLOVENSKA_ SI Zagorje 46.1323 14.9986
METEO-14240_ HR_ZAGREBACKA_ HR Zagreb 45.822 16.034
METEO-12915_ HU_ZALA_ HU Zalaegerszeg 46.86 16.8
METEO-1485_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Zavodnje 46.4329 14.9958
METEO-1486_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Zelenica 46.4288 14.2329
METEO-1459_ SI_KOROSKA_ SI Zgornja Kapla 46.6434 15.3502
METEO-1487_ SI_ZGORNJESAVSKA_ SI Zgornja Radovna 46.424 13.9352
METEO-1488_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Zgornja Sorica 46.2221 14.0285
METEO-0042_ SI_SAVINJSKA_ SI Žalec 46.2527 15.1604
METEO-1490_ SI_GORENJSKA_ SI Žiri 46.05 14.1197

The integration will automatically pull the weather data and forecasts for the selected location. Multiple location can be added.

Data Source

The real-time weather observations are retrieved from the observation section of the ARSO. 3 Hour and daily weather forecasts are retrieved from the forecast3h and forecast24h sections of the ARSO.

Supported Features

Current Temperature (°C)
Humidity (%)
Pressure (hPa)
Wind Speed (km/h)
Cloud Conditions (translated to Home Assistant-compatible terms)
Daily and Hourly Forecasts
Dew point ---> only in current weather
Wind gust speed (km/h)
Visibility (km) ---> only in current weather
Precipitation (mm)   ---> only in forecasts
Wind Gust Speed (km/h) ---> only in forecasts

State attributes

datetime: "2024-09-16"
temperature: 2
templow: 0
precipitation: 0
wind_speed: 38
wind_bearing: NW
wind_gust_speed: 0
condition: cloudy
pressure: 1013

Weather forecasts are not part of the entity's state, they're instead made available by a separate API.

The integration implements two of the async methods async_forecast_daily, async_forecast_hourly.

Updating weather forecast(s) - Action weather.get_forecasts

To use actions on weather see this Weather Integration page.

alt text alt text


- trigger:
    - platform: time_pattern
      hours: /1 # Sproži se vsako uro
    - service: weather.get_forecasts
        type: hourly
        entity_id: weather.arso_vreme_ljubljana
      response_variable: hourly
    - name: Temperature forecast next hour
      unique_id: temperature_forecast_next_hour
      state: "{{ hourly['weather.arso_vreme_ljubljana'].forecast[0].temperature }}"
      unit_of_measurement: °C

Unique ID Support

Each weather entity now gets a unique ID based on its location and configuration entry. This allows you to customize and edit the entity from the Home Assistant UI.


If you encounter issues, you can enable debug logging for the integration by adding the following to your configuration.yaml:

  default: info
    custom_components.arso_weather_integration: debug

Known Issues

Precipitation Data: Real-time precipitation may not always be available. But is visible as attribute to weather entitiy. Forecast Availability: Ensure the selected location supports both 3 hour and daily forecasts.


If you find any bugs or have feature requests, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

About me

DIY enthusiast, passionate lawyer, proud dad, and fervent advocate for open source and privacy. Combining legal expertise with a love for hands-on projects🛠️⚖️

Kljub temu, da me je poklicna pot prinesla v čisto drug svet, ki nima nobene zveze s programiranjem in razvijanjem integracij, sem predan razvijalec odprtokodnih projektov, ki zagotavljajo visoko stopnjo zasebnosti in omogočajo lokalizacijo v slovenski jezik.


This is my first integration for Home Assistant, and actually my first personal and solo project on the platform. In addition to this project, I serve as the language leader for the Slovenian version of Home Assistant Assist.

When I first started volunteering to translate sentences for the Assist, I had little knowledge about the project itself, and even less about submitting PRs on GitHub—a complete beginner. The learning curve was steep, but today, Slovenian is one of the four languages with fully translated sentences for the voice assistant.

If you come across any bugs or mistakes in the voice assistant, please report them on GitHub issues. Thank you!

Vse svoje projekte razvijam v prostem času, saj programiranje ni moj poklic, a mi je to v veselje. Vsaka pozornost, bodisi kavica ali evro, mi omogoča nadaljevanje tega dela in sem zanjo zelo hvaležen.

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