A crypto dashboard, integrated with CoinGecko and Kraken Exchange's APIs
Deployed here: https://andrewlee348.github.io/
Link to Kraken Exchange: https://www.kraken.com/
Follow this guide to set up your Kraken public and private API keys: https://cryptopro.app/help/automatic-import/kraken-api-key/
Make sure to only select the key permissions outlined in the guide, nothing else.
Log into the website with your Google account.
Enter your public and private api keys in the Api Setup tab.
- Your api keys are stored safely using google firestore and only have permission to view your portfolio given you followed the guide and selected the right keypermissions.
The portfolio tab should now be working and displaying your Kraken portfolio.
In the root directory run
npm install
Then run
npm run start
The backend was coded with Flask and the pip packages can be installed with
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the local server, run
python main.py
1. Support OHLC graphs
2. Add paper trading