I created this repo to understand and apply differentiable physics in the context of numerical solvers for newtons equation of motion and the navier stokes equations.
The project is grouped into different notebooks.
A quick recap of different nabla operators and their numerical applications using finite differences.I_verlet.ipynb
A manual implementation of reverse mode differentiation of an ODE integration scheme. Applied to optimize for initial conditions.II_autodiff.ipynb
The same thing but using autodiff as provided by JAX and more complex forces.III_thrust_vector.ipynb
Optimizing the thrust vector control of a simplified rocket model. Both for liquid, and the more interesting case of solid state rocket engines.IV_hyperbolic.ipynb
Derivation Advection and Lax Wendroff schemes, differentiable mac cormack for solving for the initial condition of the burgers equation.V_waves.ipynb
Differentiable mac cormack in 2D for the wave equation.VI_stokes_incompressible.ipynb
Forward implemenation compressible NS equations using Mac Cormack. Attempt at inverse case, unsuccessfull.VII_stokes_inc_man.ipynb
Attempt to intuitively derivae a solver for NS equations, only partially finished.VIII_stokes_inc_vort_stream.ipynb
Incompressible NS equations using the vortex stream method, only partially finished.
In this setup a differentibale version of the verlet integration method was used to find an optimal initial position and velocity which moves an object true a force field created by several attractors to a target position. You can see the evolution of the trajectory over the course of the gradient descent algorithm until it conveges to a near optimal solution.
The solution is not unique as its based on improving an initial guess, if the initial guess is choosen differently the solution will be different.