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doom-poly Public
[This] Doom [file] runs on everything: DOS (EXE), Windows (PE), Chrome (PDF).
20 UpdatedJan 31, 2025 -
hashclash Public
Forked from cr-marcstevens/hashclashProject HashClash - MD5 & SHA-1 cryptanalysis
pocorgtfo Public
a "Proof of Concept or GTFO" mirror with an extensive index with also whole issues or individual articles as clean PDFs.
siegfried Public
Forked from richardlehane/siegfriedsignature-based file format identification
IDAPython-Malware-Scripts Public
Forked from cdong1012/IDAPython-Malware-Scripts -
uEmu Public
Forked from alexhude/uEmuTiny cute emulator plugin for IDA based on unicorn.
ImHex-Patterns Public
Forked from WerWolv/ImHex-PatternsHex patterns, include patterns and magic files for the use with the ImHex Hex Editor
kaitai_struct_formats Public
Forked from kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_formatsKaitai Struct: library of binary file formats (.ksy)
Kaitai Struct UpdatedJul 24, 2023 -
keycommitment Public
Forked from kste/keycommitmentSample implementations of the attacks shown in https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1456
pytai Public
Forked from Dvd848/pytaiKaitai Struct: Visualizer and HEX Viewer GUI in Python
corkami Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/corkami
libvhdi Public
Forked from libyal/libvhdiLibrary and tools to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format
hiewdocs Public
Forked from taviso/hiewdocsDocumentation and notes on using the Hiew editor.
HTML UpdatedMay 20, 2020 -
vdexExtractor Public
Forked from anestisb/vdexExtractorTool to decompile & extract Android Dex bytecode from Vdex files
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2018 -
warbirdvm Public
Forked from airbus-seclab/warbirdvmAn analysis of the Warbird virtual-machine protection for the CI!g_pStore
abrash-black-book Public
Forked from jagregory/abrash-black-bookMarkdown source for Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book
prirucnik Public
Forked from mmicko/prirucnikPriručnik za asemblersko programiranje na procesorima iz familije Intel 80x86
IFPSTools Public
Forked from Wack0/IFPSToolsTools for working with and disassembling RemObjects PascalScript files.
tbd Public
to be deleted - check github.com/corkami