This is a simple hack to complement QuantConnect Lean ( and QuantConnect lean-cli ( to:
- address some of the shortcomings with lean-cli
- simulated data generation is broken - especially for options
- processing simulated data does not currently work in the docker
- create the ability to backtest with the lean source code - no docker
- great for running lean in debug which is useful if you want to understand the framework
- running with lean source is easy - perhaps even faster than docker (lean-cli)
- make data available for local lean processing
As of this release, there is no need to change/modify/hack the lean source code - except for some configuration files (config.json). [Lean is very inconsistent in how it uses configuration files. Furthermore, the requirement that the configuration files reside in the execution directory is just wrong.]
Note: this distribution use Python version 3.9 - not the official QuantConnect version. Hey, it works.
- Since much of lean is in C#, I found it convienent to work in windows. There is no reason why this will not work in linux.
- Install anaconda
- Create a virtual environment with python 3.9:
conda create --name lean python=3.9
- Clone/fork this repository. This will be your project workspace.
git clone cd lean-lite
- Activate and install lean-cli:
conda activate lean pip install lean-cli
Note: generally, we will not be using lean-cli. It is merely a convenient way to install the necessary python libraries for execution in the lean environment. These scripts (lean-lite) are a replacement/complement for lean-cli. You can still use lean-cli with this project!
- Create an environment variable for python (in windows):
set PYTHONNET_PYDLL=ANACONDA\envs\lean\python39.dll
where ANACONDA is the directory where anaconda is installed. For more information about this see This setting needs to persist may be best set at the system environment variables panel.
Clone lean into a different directory, i.e. projects:
cd projects git clone
Install dotnet. Follow the instructions:
Build lean:
cd Lean dotnet build QuantConnect.Lean.sln
Optionally, create an optimized build of Lean using:
cd Lean dotnet build -c Release QuantConnect.Lean.sln
Pick a directory to put generated data. lean-cli typically puts this in the data subdirectory in a lean-cli project folder (after running lean init).
Set the configuration in
# the directory where the generated data resides DATADIR="s:/data" # the directory where lean is cloned into: LEANDIR="s:/PROJECTS/Lean.github" # use the Release optimized build of lean. # a release build of Lean must be constructed by: # cd Lean # dotnet build -c Release QuantConnect.Lean.sln # values: "Debug" or "Release" LEANOPTIMIZE="Debug"
Lean ToolBox has a utility for downloading data from yahoo. This feature is hidden in lean-cli.
The script encapsulates the downloading process and stores the data in lean data format. You must follow the installation steps above.
For example, to run the data downloader:
python --tickers AAPL,MSFT,TSLA --fromdate 2018-01-01
For help with options:
python yahoo_downloader --help
Option generation with lean-cli is broken [on purpose?]- especially, if you want options data. However, lean works.
Problems with lean data generate:
- unable to generate multiple contracts because the --chain-symbol-count flag is hidden.
- generated data does not work in the current docker (why?)
The script encapsulates the QuantConnect.Toolbox for RandomDataGenerator. The options are different from lean data generate.
To see the options, use:
python --help
This will return the Toolbox help:
Lean Engine ToolBox
Usage: QuantConnect.ToolBox.exe [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-V|--version Show version information
--app [REQUIRED] Target tool, CASE INSENSITIVE: GDAXDownloader or
GDAXDL/CryptoiqDownloader or CDL/DukascopyDownloader or DDL/IEXDownloader or
IEXDL/FxcmDownloader or FDL/FxcmVolumeDownload or FVDL/GoogleDownloader or
GDL/IBDownloader or IBDL/KrakenDownloader or KDL/OandaDownloader or
ODL/QuandlBitfinexDownloader or QBDL/YahooDownloader or
YDL/AlgoSeekFuturesConverter or ASFC/AlgoSeekOptionsConverter or
ASOC/IVolatilityEquityConverter or IVEC/KaikoDataConverter or
KDC/NseMarketDataConverter or NMDC/QuantQuoteConverter or
QQC/CoarseUniverseGenerator or CUG/
RandomDataGenerator or RDG
Example 1: --app=DDL
Example 2: --app=NseMarketDataConverter
Example 3: --app=RDG
--tickers [REQUIRED ALL downloaders (except QBDL)] --tickers=SPY,AAPL,etc
--resolution [REQUIRED ALL downloaders (except QBDL, CDL) and IVolatilityEquityConverter,
QuantQuoteConverter] *Not all downloaders support all resolutions. Send empty for
more information.* CASE SENSITIVE: --resolution=Tick/Second/Minute/Hour/Daily/All
[OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator - same format as downloaders, Options only
support Minute
--from-date [REQUIRED ALL downloaders] --from-date=yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss
--to-date [OPTIONAL for downloaders] If not provided 'DateTime.UtcNow' will be used.
--exchange [REQUIRED for CryptoiqDownloader] [Optional for KaikoDataConverter] The exchange
to process, if not defined, all exchanges will be processed.
--api-key [REQUIRED for QuandlBitfinexDownloader, IEXDownloader]
--date [REQUIRED for AlgoSeekFuturesConverter, AlgoSeekOptionsConverter,
KaikoDataConverter]Date for the option bz files: --date=yyyyMMdd
--source-dir [REQUIRED for IVolatilityEquityConverter, KaikoDataConverter,
CoinApiDataConverter, NseMarketDataConverter, QuantQuoteConverter]
--destination-dir [REQUIRED for IVolatilityEquityConverter, NseMarketDataConverter,
--source-meta-dir [REQUIRED for IVolatilityEquityConverter]
--start [REQUIRED for RandomDataGenerator. Format yyyyMMdd Example: --start=20010101]
--end [REQUIRED for RandomDataGenerator. Format yyyyMMdd Example: --end=20020101]
--market [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Market of generated symbols. Defaults to
default market for security type: Example: --market=usa]
--symbol-count [REQUIRED for RandomDataGenerator. Number of symbols to generate data for:
Example: --symbol-count=10]
--security-type [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Security type of generated symbols, defaults
to Equity: Example: --security-type=Equity/Option/Forex/Future/Cfd/Crypto]
--data-density [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Defaults to Dense. Valid values:
--data-density=Dense/Sparse/VerySparse ]
--include-coarse [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Only used for Equity, defaults to true:
Example: --include-coarse=true]
--quote-trade-ratio [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the ratio of generated quotes to
generated trades. Values larger than 1 mean more quotes than trades. Only used
for Option, Future and Crypto, defaults to 1: Example: --quote-trade-ratio=1.75 ]
--random-seed [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the random number generator seed.
Defaults to null (random seed). Example: --random-seed=11399 ]
--ipo-percentage [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the probability each equity generated
will have an IPO event. Note that this is not the total probability for all
symbols generated. Only used for Equity. Defaults to 5.0: Example:
--ipo-percentage=43.25 ]
--rename-percentage [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the probability each equity generated
will have a rename event. Note that this is not the total probability for all
symbols generated. Only used for Equity. Defaults to 30.0: Example:
--rename-percentage=20.0 ]
--splits-percentage [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the probability each equity generated
will have a stock split event. Note that this is not the total probability for
all symbols generated. Only used for Equity. Defaults to 15.0: Example:
--splits-percentage=10.0 ]
--dividends-percentage [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the probability each equity generated
will have dividends. Note that this is not the probability for all symbols
genearted. Only used for Equity. Defaults to 60.0: Example:
--dividends-percentage=25.5 ]
--dividend-every-quarter-percentage [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the probability each equity generated
will have a dividend event every quarter. Note that this is not the total
probability for all symbols generated. Only used for Equity. Defaults to 30.0:
Example: --dividend-every-quarter-percentage=15.0 ]
--option-price-engine [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the stochastic process, and returns new
pricing engine to run calculations for that option. Defaults to
BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine: Example:
--option-price-engine=BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine ]
--volatility-model-resolution [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the volatility model period span.
Defaults to Daily: Example: --volatility-model-resolution=Daily ]
--chain-symbol-count [OPTIONAL for RandomDataGenerator. Sets the size of the option chain. Defaults to
1 put and 1 call: Example: --chain-symbol-count=2 ]
The ToolBox is a wrapper of >15 tools. Each require a different set of parameters. Example: --app=YahooDownloader --tickers=SPY,AAPL --resolution=Daily --from-date=yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss --to-date=yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss
Note: do not specify the --app flag!
To generate options for one ticker with 10 strikes:
python --start 20220101 --end 20220501 --symbol-count 1 --security-type Option --resolution Minute --chain-symbol-count 10
At this point, we need a project. You can use lean cloud pull (after you lean login) to retrieve projects you have on Otherwise, use the demo_project included with this distribution.
With this demo, we will use the options generated in the Generate section above. Look in the DATADIR/options/usa/minute to get the newly generated ticker symbol.
The demo project uses parameters for the ticker. Edit demo_project/config.json and change the ticker:
"algorithm-language": "Python",
"parameters": {
"TAKE_PROFIT": "0.5",
"MAX_DELTA_PUT": "0.4",
"MAX_DELTA_CALL": "0.4",
"ticker": "NXJ"
"description": "exploring",
"cloud-id": 11592212,
"local-id": 840173305
To process a backtest and generate a report:
python --main demo_project/
The python class name for this demo_project is OptionWhelAlgorithm. This will generate files in the demo_project/backtests/[timestamp] directory:
- log.txt
- OptionWhelAlgorithm - financial analysis
- OptionWhelAlgorithm_config.json - the Lean configuration file
- OptionWhelAlgorithm-log.txt - more logs
- OptionWhelAlgorithm-order-events.json - the trade transactions
- report.html - the tearsheet report
- report-backtesting-portfolio.json - portfolio stats
- report-live-portfolio.json - portfolio stats (repeat?)
- - the code used in this backtest
- Does not import Library or auxilary files (anyone know how to do this?).
Lean is a great platform; however, it seems lean-cli has been neglected. Perhaps, this repository will become obsolete as lean-cli evolves and shortcomings are fixed.
- fork and improve
- report issues
- send comments / suggestions to [email protected]
- enjoy