[2019.3.1 16:44] uploading mask file
pip install opencv-python
- python==3.6
- torch==0.4.1
- torchvision==0.2.1
- pandas
- tqdm
- opencv-python
trainset -> ./input/train
testset -> ./input/test
I made links.
ln -s /data/kaggle/comp/train train
ln -s /data/kaggle/comp/test test
cd input
unzip mask.zip
unzip model_50A_slim_ensemble.csv.zip (Originally downloaded from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hfOu3_JR0vWJkNlRhKwhqJDaF3ID2vRs/view?usp=sharing)
download playground data, then put them into input/train
line 301 in train.py
step 1.
freeze = False
model_name = 'senet154'
min_num_class = 10
checkPoint_start = 0
lr = 3e-4
#until train map5 >= 0.98
step 2.
freeze = True
model_name = 'senet154'
min_num_class = 0
checkPoint_start = best checkPoint of step 1
lr = 3e-4
step 3.
freeze = True
model_name = 'senet154'
min_num_class = 0
checkPoint_start = best checkPoint of step 2
lr = 3e-5
line 99 in test.py
checkPoint_start = best checkPoint of step 3
- Did you manually create the bboxes? (See inputs/bboxs.csv)