Enjoy 😀
DevOps Labs: 9 Real DevOps Projects
- Lab 001: ELK Monitoring
- Lab 002: Jenkins CICD Pipeline
- Lab 003: Gitlab CICD Pipeline
- Lab 004: Deploy Docker with Terraform Script
- Lab 005: Vault Jenkins Pipeline
- Lab 006: Push War file to Nexus Repository Via Jenkins Pipeline and Deploy to Tomcat in Vagrant VM
- Lab 007: Managing SSH Access with Vault
- Lab 008: Install Jenkins Using Ansible
- Lab 009: Helm Deployment in Kubernetes
- Lab 010: Deploy Prometheus/Grafana on Minikube and Monitor The Health of Containers and VMs
- Lab 011: Create Read Only Kubeconfig File
- Lab 012: Backup Vault in Minio
- Lab 013: Develop a Java Application in K8s for Monitoring ConfigMap Modifications and Content Changes
- Lab 014: Deploy and Use Vault As Agent Sidecar Injector
I picked the best 9 labs and added them to this course.