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igor procedure for C0/C1 added
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ankit7540 committed Aug 12, 2021
1 parent 7e6910d commit c9547af
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Showing 22 changed files with 359 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Igor_procedure/intensity_calibration/determine_C0_C1/
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# Obtain C<sub>0</sub>/C<sub>1</sub>

Intensity calibration of Raman spectra based on a three step procedure has been established in our research. (See [10.1002/jrs.5955]( for more details)

These three corrections for the intensity calibration steps are labelled as C<sub>0</sub>, C<sub>1</sub> and C<sub>2</sub>.

- C<sub>0</sub> is derived from the vector representing the x-axis.
- C<sub>1</sub> comes from the fit of the broadband white-light spectrum ( which is corrected for C<sub>0</sub>) to the number of photons from a black-body emitter.
- and C<sub>2</sub> comes from the Raman intensities (which are already corrected using C<sub>0</sub> and C<sub>1</sub>. This correction rectifies any inconsistencies not covered in the previous steps of intensity calibration. See the above paper for more details.
The total multiplicative correction is given as C<sub>0</sub>/(C<sub>1</sub> * C<sub>2</sub>).

The procedure file in this folder, `gen_correction.ipf` has the function defined as `gen_C0_C1 ` for generating the first two corrections, and which returns : (C<sub>0</sub>/C<sub>1</sub>). For common Raman measurements, where very high accuracy in the relative Raman intensities is not required, this might suffice.
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// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Main function
// Example :
// gen_C0_C1 ( x_wavenumber, 632.8 , root:whitelight , 670 , maskWave = mask1D )
// wave laser_nm wave pixel maskWave

// returns : intensity_corr : 1D wave which corresponds to (C0/C1), to be multiplied to the Raman spectra.

function gen_C0_C1 ( ramanshift , laser_nm , wl_wave , norm_pnt , [ maskWave , set_mask_nan] )

wave ramanshift // relative, vector
variable laser_nm // laser wavelength, nm, scalar
wave wl_wave // white_light spectra, un-normalized, 1D or 2D, vector
variable norm_pnt // normalization index, pnt, scalar

wave maskWave // optional, supply mask for wl fitting , for eg. maskWave = mask_1D, vector
variable set_mask_nan // optional, 0 or 1. When set to 1, the masked region is set to nan in the output
// intensity_corr wave. When set to 0, intensity_corr wave is not modified for the mask
// region.

variable nPnts = dimsize(ramanshift, 0)
variable mid = nPnts/2

// initialization
killwaves /Z W_coef, W_ParamConfidenceInterval, W_sigma, fit

// generate the C0 correction
gen_C0(ramanshift , norm_pnt)
wave C0

// wl spectra (check averaging)
variable nCols_wl = dimsize(wl_wave,1)
if (nCols_wl > 1)
print "\twl_wave is 2D. Averaging.\r"
string newWave= nameofwave(wl_wave)+"_avg"
printf "\tAveraged wave : %s\r", newWave
wave wl_wave = $newWave

// wl spectra (normalization) and multiply with C0
make /d /o /n=(nPnts) wl_norm = wl_wave/ wavemax(wl_wave)
wave wl_norm

// wl spectra (subset)
variable result // returned value is assigned to result

// Determine if the optional parameters were supplied
if( ParamIsDefault(maskWave) )

print "\t Mask wave not supplied. Working with full wave.\r"
result = gen_C1(ramanshift, laser_nm , wl_norm , norm_pnt)

elseif ( waveExists ( maskWave ))
print "\tMask wave is supplied. Using it for fit.\r"
result = gen_C1_mask (ramanshift, laser_nm , wl_norm , norm_pnt , maskWave)

// wave references (C0 and C1 should exist in present folder)
wave C0
wave C1

if (result ==2 )

if (set_mask_nan == 1)
printf "\n\n\tset_mask_nan parameter is set to 1. Masked region in the intensity corr will be set to Nan.\r"

wave C1_out = set_nan_correspond_to_mask (C1, maskWave)
wave C1= C1_out
printf "\n\n\tset_mask_nan parameter not set to 1.\r"
make /d /o /n=(nPnts) intensity_corr = (C0/C1)

printf "\n\tintensity_corr generated. Done. This is equal to (C0/C1)\r"

// cleanup
killwaves /Z abs_wavenumber_subset, wl_norm_subset, W_coef, fit, coefs
killwaves /Z W_ParamConfidenceInterval, W_sigma


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STATIC function gen_C0(ramanshift , norm_pnt)

wave ramanshift // relative
variable norm_pnt // normalization index, pnt

variable nPnts = dimsize(ramanshift, 0)
variable mid = nPnts/2

make /FREE /o /n=(nPnts-1) wavenumber_spacing =0
wavenumber_spacing = ramanshift [p] - ramanshift [p+1]

// normalization
make /d /o /n=(nPnts-1) waveum_corr = ( wavenumber_spacing / wavenumber_spacing [ norm_pnt ])
make /FREE /d /n=(nPnts-1) xax=p
// ------------------------

// computing the value at the last point
CurveFit /Q poly 3, waveum_corr /X=xax
wave W_coef
variable val_plus1_pnt = poly(W_coef, nPnts-1 )
//print val_plus1_pnt

InsertPoints (nPnts-1),1, waveum_corr
waveum_corr [nPnts-1] = val_plus1_pnt

duplicate /O waveum_corr, C0

killwaves /Z wavenum_corr


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STATIC function gen_C1(ramanshift, laser_nm , wl_input norm_pnt)

wave ramanshift // relative
variable laser_nm // laser wavelength (nm)
wave wl_input // normalized wl wave with C0 multiplied
variable norm_pnt // normalization index, pnt

variable nPnts = dimsize(ramanshift, 0)
variable mid = nPnts/2

// cleanup from prev run
killwindow /Z genC0C1

// make abs_wavenumber, for xaxis

make /o /d /n=(nPnts) abs_wavenumber = ((1e7/laser_nm)-ramanshift)*100
make /o /d /n=2 coefs

// defining initial coefs
coefs[0] = 0.856e-18
coefs[1] = 2759 // 0.856e-18

Display /K=1 wl_input vs abs_wavenumber
FuncFit photons_per_unit_wavenum_abs coefs wl_input /X=abs_wavenumber

printf "\tFit (not using mask), Obtained fit coef:%5.6e, %5.6e",coefs[0],coefs[1]

make /o /d /n=(nPnts) fit = photons_per_unit_wavenum_abs(coefs,abs_wavenumber)
appendtograph fit vs abs_wavenumber

// customize graph
ModifyGraph grid=1,mirror=1,axThick=1.2,lblPosMode(bottom)=2;DelayUpdate
ModifyGraph lblMargin(bottom)=2,gridHair=1,manTick(left)={0,0.1,0,1},manMinor(left)={3,2},manTick(bottom)={0,0.02,6,2}
ModifyGraph manMinor(bottom)={3,2},gridRGB(left)=(13107,13107,13107),gridRGB(bottom)=(17476,17476,17476);
Label left "Intensity";DelayUpdate
Label bottom "Wavenumber / m\\S-1"
ModifyGraph fSize=25
ModifyGraph rgb(fit)=(0,0,65535)
ModifyGraph lsize=2
SetAxis left 0,*

// generate C1
make /o /d /n=(nPnts) C1 = wl_input / fit

// remove fit and residual wave
string fname="fit_"+nameofwave(wl_input)
killwaves /Z $fname

killwaves /Z $fname

if (waveexists(C1) && coefs[1]< 6000 ) // 6000 is the temperature of the lamp in K, too large value may be unreasonable.
return 1


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STATIC function gen_C1_mask (ramanshift, laser_nm , wl_input , norm_pnt , maskWave )

wave ramanshift // relative
variable laser_nm // laser wavelength (nm)
wave wl_input // normalized wl wave with C0 multiplied
variable norm_pnt // normalization index, pnt
wave maskWave

variable nPnts = dimsize(ramanshift, 0)
variable mid = nPnts/2

// cleanup from prev run
killwindow /Z genC0C1

// make abs_wavenumber, for xaxis

make /o /d /n=(nPnts) abs_wavenumber = ((1e7/laser_nm)-ramanshift)*100
make /o /d /n=2 coefs

// defining initial coefs
coefs[0] = 0.856e-18
coefs[1] = 2659 // 0.856e-18

Display /N=genC0C1 /K=1 wl_input vs abs_wavenumber

// perform fitting, with mask applied
FuncFit photons_per_unit_wavenum_abs coefs wl_input /X=abs_wavenumber /M=maskWave

printf "\tMasked wl fit, obtained coefs : %5.6e, %5.6e",coefs[0],coefs[1]

// generate the fit curve
make /o /d /n=(nPnts) fit = photons_per_unit_wavenum_abs(coefs,abs_wavenumber)

// generate C1
make /o /d /n=(nPnts) C1 = wl_input / fit

//customize the graph
appendtograph /W=genC0C1 fit vs abs_wavenumber

ModifyGraph /W=genC0C1 grid=1,mirror=1,axThick=1.2,lblPosMode(bottom)=2;DelayUpdate
ModifyGraph /W=genC0C1 lblMargin(bottom)=2,gridHair=1,manTick(left)={0,0.1,0,1},manMinor(left)={3,2},manTick(bottom)={0,0.02,6,2}
ModifyGraph /W=genC0C1 manMinor(bottom)={3,2},gridRGB(left)=(13107,13107,13107),gridRGB(bottom)=(17476,17476,17476);
Label /W=genC0C1 left "Intensity";DelayUpdate
Label /W=genC0C1 bottom "Wavenumber / m\\S-1"
ModifyGraph /W=genC0C1 fSize=25
ModifyGraph /W=genC0C1 rgb(fit)=(0,0,65535)
ModifyGraph /W=genC0C1 lsize=2
SetAxis /W=genC0C1 left 0,*

// generate C1
make /o /d /n=(nPnts) C1 = wl_input / fit

// remove fit wave
string fname="fit_"+nameofwave(wl_input)
killwaves /Z $fname

killwaves /Z $fname

if (waveexists(C1) && coefs[1]< 6000 ) // 6000 is the temperature of the lamp in K, too large value may be unreasonable.
return 2


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom fit function

Function photons_per_unit_wavenum_abs(w0,w) : FitFunc
Wave w0
Variable w

//CurveFitDialog/ These comments were created by the Curve Fitting dialog. Altering them will
//CurveFitDialog/ make the function less convenient to work with in the Curve Fitting dialog.
//CurveFitDialog/ Equation:
//CurveFitDialog/ f(w) = a0*599584916*w^2/(exp(0.1438776877e-1*w/T)-1)
//CurveFitDialog/ End of Equation
//CurveFitDialog/ Independent Variables 1
//CurveFitDialog/ w
//CurveFitDialog/ Coefficients 2
//CurveFitDialog/ w0[0] = a0
//CurveFitDialog/ w0[1] = T

return w0[0]*599584916*w^2/(exp(0.1438776877e-1*w/w0[1])-1)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// for averaging 2D input wave across columns
STATIC function do_average_custom(input)
wave input

variable nRows
variable nCols
variable i

nRows=dimsize(input, 0)
nCols=dimsize(input, 1)

string name=nameofwave (input)

string new_name
sprintf new_name, "%s_avg",name
printf "\t%s\t%g\t%g\r" new_name, nRows, nCols

make /o/d /n=(nRows) $new_name
wave output=$new_name

make /o/d /n=(nRows) temp=0

for (i=0 ; i<nCols ; i=i+1)
temp=temp+input [p][(i)]

output=temp / nCols

killwaves /Z temp


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// set points in input 1D wavto nan, for points where mask has values == 0
// returns wave reference
STATIC function /WAVE set_nan_correspond_to_mask (input, mask)
wave input
wave mask

variable nRows=dimsize (input, 0)
variable i

for (i=0 ; i<nRows ; i=i+1)
if (mask[i]==0)
input[i] = nan

return input
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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