This application is a Ruby on Rails "Sales Engine" JSON API using sanitized Etsy data.
The project spec and information about the endpoints provided: Rales Engine Project Spec
Visual representation of the databases available in this API: Rales Engine Schema
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system
- ruby version 2.4+
- rails version 5+
- postgresql version 10+
- clone down this repository and change into the directory
git clone
- bundle
- create the database and run the database migrations
rake db:{create, migrate}
- seed the database by entering rake import_csv:load
rake import_csv:load
- start up rails server
rails s
- visit any of the API endpoints in your browser
To run the test suite run rspec in your terminal:
Our test suite includes controller tests for every endpoint in the spec/api/v1 directory and tests for every model in the spec/models directory.
- factory_bot_rails - Used to generate stubbed active record objects
- shoulda-matchers - Used to test model validations and relationships
- DatabaseCleaner
- Rails - The web framework used
- Active Model Serializers - Used to customize JSON