Udemy-Pathfinder - Demo Video
Udemy Pathfinder is a machine learning-powered course recommendation system designed to assist users in discovering the best Udemy courses tailored to their interests. The project involves the following key steps:
Data Collection: The dataset was sourced from Kaggle, containing comprehensive details about various 5000 Udemy courses.
Data Preprocessing: Important attributes such as course name, overview, and instructor were combined into a tag column to create a rich text representation for each course.
Vectorization: The tag column was converted into numerical vectors using CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text. This process transforms textual data into a matrix of token counts, facilitating similarity calculations.
Similarity Calculation: Cosine similarity was used to measure the similarity between courses based on the vectorized tag column.
Web Application: The project is deployed as an interactive web application using Streamlit, enabling users to select a course and view the top 5 recommended courses along with their images and titles.
Course Selection: Users can browse through a dropdown menu to select a course they are interested in.
Top 5 Recommendations: Once a course is selected, the system displays the top 5 similar courses, complete with their titles and images.
Interactive Web App: The application is built using Streamlit, providing an easy-to-use interface for real-time course recommendations.
1. Clone the GitHub Repository:
• Open your terminal or command prompt.
• Change to your desired directory where you want to clone the project.
• Execute the following command to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/anshsaxena1703/udemy-pathfinder.git
• Navigate into the cloned project directory: cd udemy-pathfinder
2. Download the similarity.pkl
• Access the Google Drive link to download the similarity.pkl
file: https://shorturl.at/nOmYC
• After downloading, move the similarity.pkl
file into the project directory (udemy-pathfinder
3. Install Dependencies:
• Ensure you are in the project directory (udemy-pathfinder
• Install Streamlit using the following command: pip install streamlit
4. Run the Web Application:
• Start the Streamlit application by executing: streamlit run app.py
• Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501
to interact with the Udemy Pathfinder.
By following these steps, you can easily set up and run the Udemy Pathfinder, exploring and discovering new courses that match your interests.