This repo contains all of the source code for my course - Building a Production Ready REST API in Go.
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I've designed the code in this course to follow clean architecture principles.
We'll be building a layered app with 3 distinct layers:
- The Transport Layer - responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and passing them on to the relevant service functions.
- The Service Layer - responsible for all the business logic in your application.
- The Repository Layer - responsible for all the interactions with the database!
This ends up looking something like this:
- Postgres
- Docker + Docker-Compose
- Go (This one was fairly obvious no?)
- Postman - for testing our service manually with HTTP request.
- sqlx - for simplifying our interactions with the database
- golang-migrate - for running our migrations on app startup
- dgrijalva/jwt-go - for working with JWTs in our transport layer.
- satori/go.uuid - for generating and working with UUIDs.
- sirupsen/logrus - nicer logging.
- stretchr/testify - For easier testing!
This course is designed to help teach you one approach for building and structuring a production-ready REST API in Go. It's designed for people with some Go already, I wont be covering the basic syntax for Go, but mostly focused on higher-level topics.
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