Tiny (1 line) GO package to deal with complex configs provided through environment variables.
In dockerized applications and by https://12factor.net/ recommendation we have to pass configuration for our GO program through environment variables.
It is easy if configuration consists of simple values (strings, numbers, boolean, etc), something like this:
"mfa_enabled": true
In this case we could use several environment variables like APP_LOGIN="user" APP_PASSWORD="somepass"
But how would we work with complex configuration that, for example, consists of arrays of objects? For example:
This package is aimed to deal with such configs.
Just put the config into single environment variable.
It could be multiline, but work with single line is simplier from bash
Running program bash
CONFIG='{"nodes":[{"url":"http:\/\/1.localhost\/","priority":1,"enabled":true},{"url":"http:\/\/2.localhost\/","priority":2,"enabled":false}]}' ./app
GO program code example:
import jsonEnvGo "github.com/antelman107/json-env-go"
type Config struct {
Nodes []struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
Priority int `json:"priority"`
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
} `json:"nodes"`
func main() {
var cfg Config
if err := jsonEnvGo.DecodeConfigFromEnv(envName, &cfg); err != nil {
// cfg now filled, do something with it
// ...