This is the official repository of MoDiffAE, the first sequence-to-sequence model capable of modifying arbitrary human motion characteristics. Below you will find an overview of the MoDiffAE architecture. It is based on Diffusion Models and Transformers. Although its capabilities are demonstrated on human motion, the model could in theory be used for the modification of any type of sequence data. However, it has not been tested on other types of sequence data, yet. A detailed explanation of the system is given here. This gives to context for the different components listed below.
First, setup and activate a conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate modiffae
Before training, the data was preprocessed in multiple steps. An overview of the pipeline is shown below. All these steps as well as all results are completely reproducable. You can download the raw as well as the preprocessed data from my cloud. If you do not want to change the preprocessing, I would recommend the preprocessed data set (the folders leave_b0372_out and leave_b0401_out). If you want to reproduce or adjust the preprocessing, use the raw data set (the folder karate_csv) and execute the preprocessing pipeline by running the following command:
bash preprocessing/karate/
This will automatically perform all preprocessing steps and create splits for training, validation and testing.
Training and evaluation is possible using a single RTX 2080 Ti. Moreover, all scripts provide a variety of further parameters that can be specified. For an explanation of all paratemerts of a specific script, run
python -m {path_to_script} --help
In the case of the training script, the model type for which to receive information must also be specified. This would look as follows
python -m training.train --model_type {model_type} --help
There are three models that can be trained. The MoDiffAE core, the semantic regressor and the semantic generator. The core needs to be trained first as the other to models depend on it. When training the regressor and generator, the core is frozen.
python -m training.train --model_type modiffae --save_dir {path_to_save_dir} --test_participant {test_participant} --pose_rep {pose_representation}
python -m training.train --model_type semantic_regressor --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model}
python -m training.train --model_type semantic_generator --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model}
To evaluate the linear separability in the semantic embedding space for all model checkpoints, run
python -m evaluation.semantic_embedding_knn_regression --save_dir {path_to_save_dir}
To visualize the structure of the semantic embedding for a specific model checkpoint, run
python -m evaluation.visualize_semantic_embedding --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model}
To evaluate the performance of the semantic regressor for all model checkpoints, run
python -m evaluation.semantic_regressor_eval --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model} --save_dir {path_to_save_dir}
To evaluate the performance of the semantic generator for all model checkpoints, run
python -m evaluation.generation_fid --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model}
The evaluation of the manipulation consists of a qualitative evaluation, which needs to be done first, and a quantitative evaluation.
The qualitative evaluation executes all test manipulations and saves the results in numpy files. This is done by running
python -m evaluation.manipulation_qualitative_eval --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model} --semantic_regressor_model_path {path_to_regressor_model}
To create visualizations for all of the resuling test manipulations, run
python -m evaluation.create_collages_for_test_manipulations
To quantify the manipulation performance based on the previously created test manipulations, run
python -m evaluation.manipulation_fid --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model} --semantic_regressor_model_path {path_to_regressor_model}
The type of manipulation that should be evaluated has to be set in the according script.
Assuming a semantic generator was trained, the system can also be used to generate new data. This can be done by running
python -m sample.rejection_generation --modiffae_model_path {path_to_modiffae_core_model} --semantic_generator_model_path {path_to_generator_model} --semantic_regressor_model_path {path_to_regressor_model}
This code is based on a variety of other works. We want to thank the following contributors that our code is based on:
MDM, guided-diffusion, PyMoCapViewer.
Special thanks to Szczęsna et al. for providing the original version of the Kyokushin karate dataset.
This code is distributed under the MIT LICENSE.