We're mapping police activity and gentrification indicators.
Here's the install waterfall if you have Mac OS X:
(terminal commands in bold)
- Homebrew - An OSX package manager
- Python - A language used by MongoDB
- MongoDB - With Homebrew: brew update + brew install mongodb
- Pip - A Python package manager (if you've installed Python, Pip should already be installed)
- pip install -r requirements.txt - Installs the dependencies for this repo
- Download the SFPD data repo's zip file, unzip it, and put the resulting folder into your local machine's top-level directory for this repo (the folder where .gitignore and robots.txt live)
- Start MongoDB: sudo mongod (may need to run sudo mongod --repair)
- In a new window start Matthew's script, which builds a MongoDB database out of the SFPD data: python build_db.py
- Run mongo to enter mongo shell or python analysis.py to run queries that write to files in /analysis
Other instructions can be found in the wiki: https://github.com/antievictionmappingproject/acab-map/wiki.