A brief overview of my interests and expertise:
For anyone came here because of my research during my PhD, I'm sorry to inform you that my research email and school email are terminated after I left school. Please contact me through linkedin (this one should be faster) or here.
- 🌱 Actively learning about GenAI applications.
- 💬 Feel free to ask me about DL-based fault interpretation. I have extensive knowledge on this topic, thanks to a systematic literature review and 4+ years of personal research experience.
- 📫 Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yu-an/
- 😄 Pronouns: she/her
- Deep convolutional neural network for automatic fault recognition from 3D seismic datasets. Code, Paper URL
- Disentangling Noise Pattern from Seismic Images: Noise Reduction and Style Transfer. Code, Paper URL
- Understanding the Effect of Different Priori Knowledge on CNN Fault Interpreter. Code, Paper URL
- Overlap Training to Mitigate Inconsistencies Caused by Image Tiling in CNNs. Code, Paper URL
- How to convert segy file to numpy format. Code