5883 commits
to master
since this release
Release 0.4.2
- Parallelize Parquet writing & input record read resulting in upto 2x performance improvement
- Better out-of-box configs to support upto 500GB upserts, improved ROPathFilter performance
- Added a union mode for RT View, that supports near-real time event ingestion without update semantics
- Added a tuning guide with suggestions for oft-encountered problems
- New configs for configs for compression ratio, index storage levels
Full PR List
- @jianxu - Use hadoopConf in HoodieTableMetaClient and related tests #343
- @jianxu - Add more options in HoodieWriteConfig #341
- @n3nash - Adding a tool to read/inspect a HoodieLogFile #328
- @ovj - Parallelizing parquet write and spark's external read operation. #294
- @n3nash - Fixing memory leak due to HoodieLogFileReader holding on to a logblock #346
- @kaushikd49 - DeduplicateRecords based on recordKey if global index is used #345
- @jianxu - Checking storage level before persisting preppedRecords #358
- @n3nash - Adding config for parquet compression ratio #366
- @xjodoin - Replace deprecated jackson version #367
- @n3nash - Making ExternalSpillableMap generic for any datatype #350
- @bvaradar - CodeStyle formatting to conform to basic Checkstyle rules. #360
- @vinothchandar - Update release notes for 0.4.1 (post) #371
- @bvaradar - Issue-329 : Refactoring TestHoodieClientOnCopyOnWriteStorage and adding test-cases #372
- @n3nash - Parallelized read-write operations in Hoodie Merge phase #370
- @n3nash - Using BufferedFsInputStream to wrap FSInputStream for FSDataInputStream #373
- @suniluber - Fix for updating duplicate records in same/different files in same pa… #380
- @bvaradar - Fixit : Add Support for ordering and limiting results in CLI show commands #383
- @n3nash - Adding metrics for MOR and COW #365
- @n3nash - Adding a fix/workaround when fs.append() unable to return a valid outputstream #388
- @n3nash - Minor fixes for MergeOnRead MVP release readiness #387
- @bvaradar - Issue-257: Support union mode in HoodieRealtimeRecordReader for pure insert workloads #379
- @n3nash - Enabling global index for MOR #389
- @suniluber - Added a new filter function to filter by record keys when reading parquet file #395
- @vinothchandar - Improving out of box experience for data source #295
- @xjodoin - Fix wrong use of TemporaryFolder junit rule #411