Update dependencies (non-major) #497
Release Completed
Your app is now live! Visit https://renovate-dependencies-preview-api3-dao-dashboard-staging.on-fleek.app
2025-02-07T17:58:59.797Z | yarn install v1.22.19
2025-02-07T17:58:59.888Z | [1/4] Resolving packages...
2025-02-07T17:59:00.546Z | [2/4] Fetching packages...
2025-02-07T17:59:31.761Z | [3/4] Linking dependencies...
2025-02-07T17:59:31.763Z | warning " > @typescript-eslint/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "eslint@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.764Z | warning "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin > @typescript-eslint/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "eslint@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.764Z | warning "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin > @typescript-eslint/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "eslint@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.764Z | warning "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin > @typescript-eslint/utils > @eslint-community/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "eslint@^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.764Z | warning " > @typescript-eslint/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "eslint@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.764Z | warning " > @web3modal/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@wagmi/core@>=1 <2".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.767Z | warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^16.3.0 || ^17.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.769Z | warning " > @babel/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.769Z | warning "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object > @babel/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.769Z | warning "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object > @babel/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.769Z | warning "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object > @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin > @babel/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.770Z | warning " > @testing-library/[email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "cypress@^12.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.770Z | warning " > @testing-library/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@testing-library/dom@>=7.21.4".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.770Z | warning " > @typechain/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@ethersproject/abi@^5.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.770Z | warning " > @typechain/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@ethersproject/providers@^5.0.0".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.775Z | warning "react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/plugin-syntax-flow@^7.14.5".
2025-02-07T17:59:31.775Z | warning "react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@^7.14.9".
2025-02-07T18:00:10.281Z | [4/4] Building fresh packages...
2025-02-07T18:00:22.286Z | $ yarn fix-dev-issues
2025-02-07T18:00:22.439Z | yarn run v1.22.19
2025-02-07T18:00:22.472Z | $ node dev-scripts/copy-localhost-data.js && node dev-scripts/generate-typechain-artifacts.js && node dev-scripts/scss-ts-hack.js
2025-02-07T18:00:22.555Z | Command: "cd src/contract-deployments && cp localhost-dao.example.json localhost-dao.json"
2025-02-07T18:00:22.619Z | Generating typechain artifacts...
2025-02-07T18:00:22.619Z | Command: "yarn typechain --target ethers-v5 --out-dir ./src/contracts/artifacts './src/contracts/abi/**/!(.dbg).json'"
2025-02-07T18:00:24.618Z | Fixing scss TS typings...
2025-02-07T18:00:24.619Z | Replacing "
2025-02-07T18:00:24.619Z | declare module '.m..." with ""
2025-02-07T18:00:24.626Z | Done in 2.19s.
2025-02-07T18:00:24.635Z | $ husky install
2025-02-07T18:00:24.698Z | husky - Git hooks installed
2025-02-07T18:00:24.702Z | Done in 84.91s.
2025-02-07T18:00:24.881Z | yarn run v1.22.19
2025-02-07T18:00:24.909Z | $ react-app-rewired build
2025-02-07T18:00:26.198Z | Creating an optimized production build...
2025-02-07T18:01:20.582Z | Compiled successfully.
2025-02-07T18:01:20.582Z | File sizes after gzip:
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | 318.8 kB build/static/js/257.343689cb.js
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | 275.29 kB build/static/js/987.7e22a776.chunk.js
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | 83.14 kB build/static/js/core-web3.ea1398a7.js
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | 45.34 kB build/static/js/framework.399b2af4.js
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | 35.08 kB build/static/js/main.47ade662.js
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | 10.84 kB build/static/css/main.55c7f097.css
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | The project was built assuming it is hosted at ./.
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
2025-02-07T18:01:20.713Z | The build folder is ready to be deployed.
2025-02-07T18:01:20.714Z | Find out more about deployment here:
2025-02-07T18:01:20.714Z | https://cra.link/deployment
2025-02-07T18:01:20.814Z | Done in 55.94s.
Deployed to IPFS and got the hash: bafybeicebj6gbcqitphwpgc3uv4ejuzt34da5llbfpljxrl3amxky4hrfa