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Task overview

Produce a reusable React component which presents a multi-step wizard to a user.

It should have:

  • Support for a 'Next' button to move forward to the next step of the wizard.
  • Support for an async handler on each step - for example, values from step 1 might be processed asynchronously and used in step 2.
  • Support for building a composite state across the steps, to be submitted at the end of the wizard.

You are welcome to use a component library for look, feel and basic components (we use antd - but please implement the wizard yourself.

To demonstrate the component, the following example use-case can be used:

Wizard step 1:

  • Collect a name (up to 63 characters) and description (multiline), the async handler for this step should post the name for validation to a back end.

Wizard step 2:

  • Given a fixed list of possible 'features' that can be selected, each having a name and description, allow the user to select one or more 'features' to enable.

Wizard step 3:

  • Show a summary of the name, description, and the names of features that have been enabled. Finishing the wizard should submit the values to an asynchronous back end.

Dummy back end

For the purposes of this task, please use the dummy back-end in src/api/dummy-api.ts.

Running this skeleton project

Use npm run dev to run in development mode.

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