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Test .NET (Windows)

A set of extension methods for the .NET System.Numerics.BigInteger class, including methods like BitCount, ModInverse, GenPseudoPrime, GenSafePseudoPrime, GenRandomBits (using cryptographically strong RNG), IsProbablePrime (implemented using Rabin-Miller test).


Aprismatic.BigIntegerExt library is available in GitHub package repo as well as on

You can install it through NuGet package manager in Visual Studion or Rider or run dotnet add package Aprismatic.BigIntegerExt.


using Aprismatic;
using System.Security.Cryptography; // for RandomNumberGenerator

// ...

var bi = new BigInteger(123);
var bi2 = new BigInteger(345);
var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();

var bitCount = bi.BitCount(); // returns the position (int) of the most significant bit
                              // of the BigInteger's absolute value.

var r1 = bi.ModInverse(bi2); // returns BigInteger x such that (bi * x) % bi2 == 1
var r2 = bi.IsProbablePrime(8, rng); // returns true if bi is a probable prime, false otherwise
                                     // confidence parameter 8 is the number of iterations to
                                     // use in the Rabin-Miller (RM) test

// C# currently doesn't support static extension methods, so we need to use the instance
// method instead. We can use a pre-defined instance of the BigInteger class such as
// `BigInteger.One` or any other instance that is already defined, in our case - `bi` or `bi2`

var r3 = bi.GenPseudoPrime(128, 8, rng); // returns a BigInteger probable prime of 128 bits
                                         // tested with 8 loops of RM test; doesn't change `bi`

var r4 = bi.GenSafePseudoPrime(128, 8, rng); // same but returns a safe prime (i.e., a prime x
                                             // such that (x-1)/2 is also prime)

var r5 = bi.GenRandomBits(128, rng); // returns a BigInteger x with exaxctly 128 random bits,
                                     // i.e., such that x.BitCount() == 128
var r6 = bi.GenRandomBits(bi, bi2, rng); // return a random BigInteger x such that bi ≤ x < bi2

Licensing & Contributions

This library is provided free of charge under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details. Contributions are welcome.