Special Thanks: This project wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of Oceans404, who created the original monad-stake-gate-ui and monad-app-stake-gate contracts.
A ready-to-use template for building staking applications on the Monad blockchain with seamless Arweave deployment. This starter kit provides a complete foundation for content-gating applications using Monad token staking.
- Original Frontend Template: monad-stake-gate-ui by Oceans404
- Smart Contract: monad-app-stake-gate by Oceans404
- Monad Blockchain Integration: Connect wallets, stake tokens, and verify staking status
- Content Gating: Premium content accessible only to users who have staked tokens
- Arweave Permanent Storage: Deploy your application to the permaweb with one command
- ARNS Compatibility: Set custom Arweave domain names with the included undername scripts
- Modern Tech Stack: Built with React, Vite, Tailwind CSS, and wagmi for wallet connections
Note: This frontend template works with the StakingGateFactory smart contract.
- Visit the StakingGateFactory contract on Monad Explorer
- Connect your wallet
- Select Write Contract β createStakingGate
- Enter your parameters:
: Your desired MON amount (e.g., 0.0069)name
: A name for your app (e.g., "MyAwesomeApp")
- Execute the transaction and save your new contract address - this is the address of the staking contract for your app
Alternative methods:
Using Forge/Cast (Command Line):
cast send 0x7c809EA8370B2efD01b3f175Be3Aab970b66Ded3 "createStakingGate(uint256,string)" YOUR_STAKE_AMOUNT_IN_WEI "YOUR_APP_NAME" --account YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME
Example (Creating a contract requiring 0.01 MON):
cast send 0x7c809EA8370B2efD01b3f175Be3Aab970b66Ded3 "createStakingGate(uint256,string)" 10000000000000000 "MyNewApp" --account monad
Using Web3 JS/Ethers:
const factory = new ethers.Contract(
const tx = await factory.createStakingGate(
const receipt = await tx.wait();
'New contract created at:',
git clone [this repo]
cd [repo name]
npm install
- Open
- Replace the
value with your new contract address:
// π―π―π―π― UPDATE ME!!!!!!!!
// update this to your app's staking contract, created with the above factory
export const STAKING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0xYourNewContractAddressHere';
- Update public content in
- Update gated content in
- Modify app name, colors, and other branding elements
npm run dev
- Node.js 16+
- An Arweave wallet (JSON file)
- Turbo credits for uploads (get at turbo-topup.com)
- Place your Arweave wallet file in the project root as
- Build your application:
npm run build
- Deploy to Arweave:
npm run deploy
This will:
- Upload your application to Arweave via Turbo
- Generate a manifest file
- Provide a deployment URL:
To use an ARNS undername for your Arweave Dapp's URL:
- Ensure you have an ARNS primary name (get one at arns.app)
- Run the undername command:
npm run set-undername
This will create an undername record making your site available at: https://{undername}_{yourprimaryname}.ar.io
For example, if your primary name is "myname" and you set the undername to "monad-stake", your app would be available at: https://monad-stake_myname.ar.io
- Wallet Connection: Easy integration with Web3 wallets via Wagmi
- Monad Integration: Built specifically for Monad blockchain
- Customizable Staking: Set your own MON staking requirements
- Public/Gated Content: Clear separation between public and staker-only content
- Responsive Design: Works on all devices
- Permanent Storage: Deploy once to Arweave for permanent availability
- Configure your staking contract addresssrc/components/PublicContent.jsx
- Content visible to everyonesrc/components/GatedContent.jsx
- Content only visible to stakerssrc/components/StakingInterface.jsx
- Interface for staking tokenssrc/components/NavBar.jsx
- App header with wallet connectionscripts/
- Deployment and Arweave integration scripts
- Address:
- Network: Monad Testnet
- Purpose: Creates new staking contracts with customizable parameters
To stake (exactly the required amount):
To check if an address is a staker:
cast call YOUR_STAKING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "isStaker(address)(bool)" ADDRESS_TO_CHECK
To withdraw your stake:
To get all contracts you've created:
cast call 0x7c809EA8370B2efD01b3f175Be3Aab970b66Ded3 "getStakingGatesByCreator(address)(address[])" YOUR_ADDRESS
# Development
npm run dev # Start development server
npm run build # Build for production
npm run preview # Preview production build
# Arweave Deployment
npm run deploy # Deploy to Arweave
# ARNS Integration
npm run set-base # Set your base ARNS name as the domain for your app
npm run set-undername # Set an undername record for your ARNS primary name
npm run records # Retrieve transaction details of an ARNS name
- Never commit your Arweave Keyfile to version control
- Keep your manifest ID after deployment
- ARNS name updates may take a few minutes to propagate
- Default TTL for name records is 15 minutes
- The difference between
: Points your base ARNS name directly to your app (e.g.,yourname.ar.io
: Creates a subdomain-like record under your primary name (e.g.,app_yourname.ar.io
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request.
Original staking app by Oceans404
Arweave deployment template by PSkinnerTech# MonadApp-ArweaveDeployed