![Aravind's Portfolio](/aravindnswamy/aravindnswamy/raw/main/assets/my-emoji.png)
![Aravind's Twitter](/aravindnswamy/aravindnswamy/raw/main/assets/twitter.png)
![Aravind's LinkedIn](/aravindnswamy/aravindnswamy/raw/main/assets/linkedin.png)
Hi, I'm Aravind N. A Software Engineer with a flair for platforms for scale, performance and UX. Strive for innovations that can blend the power of hardware and software, that can eventually help make this world a better place.
- 🛠 Open to work on Backend Projects
- 🎯 Focussing mainly on Web Application Development
- 🚀 Great with Java, Kotlin and Node.js
- 👾 Focus on code quality, readability and maintainability
- 👨🏻💻 Most of my projects are available here
- 💬 Connect with me on Twitter @Aravind N
- 📮 Mail me here: [email protected]