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Damien L-G edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 4 revisions



Defined in header <ArborX_AccessTraits.hpp>

template <typename T, typename Tag, typename Enable=void>
struct AccessTraits;

The struct template ArborX::AccessTraits tells the ArborX::BVH constructor how much data to index and how to access that data, or ArborX::BVH::query() what predicates to query for.

ArborX provides the following partial specialization for Kokkos views

template <typename View, typename Tag>
AccessTraits<View, Tag, std::enable_if_t<Kokkos::is_view<View>{}>>;
struct PrimitivesTag { };
struct PredicatesTag { };

Empty class types used to indicate the data category.

Template parameters

T : User data type.
Tag : Tag to distinguish between primitives and predicates.

Member types

Member type Description
memory_space A valid Kokkos memory space

Static member functions

size returns the number of elements
get access the specified element


#include <ArborX.hpp>

#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>

struct PointCloud
  float *d_x;
  float *d_y;
  float *d_z;
  int N;

struct NearestToOrigin
  int k;

template <>
struct ArborX::AccessTraits<PointCloud, ArborX::PrimitivesTag>
  static KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::size_t size(PointCloud const &cloud)
    return cloud.N;
  static KOKKOS_FUNCTION static ArborX::Point get(PointCloud const &cloud,
                                                  std::size_t i)
    return {{cloud.d_x[i], cloud.d_y[i], cloud.d_z[i]}};
  using memory_space = Kokkos::CudaSpace;

template <>
struct ArborX::AccessTraits<NearestToOrigin, ArborX::PredicatesTag>
  static KOKKOS_FUNCTION std::size_t size(NearestToOrigin const &)
    return 1;
  static KOKKOS_FUNCTION auto get(NearestToOrigin const &d, std::size_t)
    return ArborX::nearest(ArborX::Point{{0, 0, 0}}, d.k);
  using memory_space = Kokkos::CudaSpace;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Kokkos::ScopeGuard guard(argc, argv);

  constexpr std::size_t N = 1000;
  std::array<float, N> a;

  float *d_a;
  cudaMalloc(&d_a, sizeof(float) * N);

  std::iota(std::begin(a), std::end(a), 1.0);

  cudaMemcpy(d_a,, sizeof(float) * N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  using device_type = Kokkos::Cuda::device_type;
  ArborX::BVH<Kokkos::CudaSpace> bvh{Kokkos::Cuda{}, PointCloud{d_a, d_a, d_a, N}};

  Kokkos::View<int *, device_type> indices("indices", 0);
  Kokkos::View<int *, device_type> offset("offset", 0);
  bvh.query(Kokkos::Cuda{}, NearestToOrigin{5}, indices, offset);

  Kokkos::parallel_for(1, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i) {
    for (int j = offset(i); j < offset(i + 1); ++j)
      printf("%i %i\n", i, indices(j));

  return 0;


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static KOKKOS_FUNCTION size_type size(T const& data);


data : data argument passed to the ArborX::BVH<MemorySpace>::BVH constructor or ArborX::BVH<MemorySpace>::query()


The number of primitives if the second template argument is ArborX::PrimitivesTag or the number of queries to perform if it is ArborX::PredicatesTag.


static KOKKOS_FUNCTION context_dependent get(T const& data, size_type pos);

If std::is_same<Tag,PrimitimesTag>::value is true, the return value type must either decay to ArborX::Point or to ArborX::Box.

If std::is_same<Tag,PredicatesTag>::value is true, the return value type must decay to a valid ArborX predicate, e.g. a predicate generated by ArborX::nearest() or ArborX::intersects().

get() needs to be marked with the KOKKOS_FUNCTION or KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION macro because it is called from the device.


data : data argument passed to the ArborX::BVH<MemorySpace>::BVH constructor or ArborX::BVH<MemorySpace>::query()
pos : position of the primitive from which to return the centroid or the smallest bounding volume

