- [1] Contains information from the J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Research Institute, the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.
Download the arches-lingo repo:
a. If using the Github CLI:
gh repo clone archesproject/arches-lingo
b. If not using the Github CLI:
git clone https://github.com/archesproject/arches-lingo.git
Download the arches package:
a. If using the Github CLI:
gh repo clone archesproject/arches
b. If not using the Github CLI:
git clone https://github.com/archesproject/arches.git
Create a virtual environment outside of both repositories:
python3 -m venv ENV
Activate the virtual enviroment in your terminal:
source ENV/bin/activate
Navigate to the
directory, and install the project (with development dependencies):cd arches-lingo pip install -e '.[dev]'
Also install core arches for local development:
pip install -e ../arches
Create a settings_local.py file with
:echo "DEBUG = True" > arches_lingo/settings_local.py
Run the Django server:
python manage.py runserver
OPEN A NEW TERMINAL WINDOW, the following step will take place in a new terminal window while the python server is running.
Ensure this new terminal window has the virtual environment activated.
source ENV/bin/activate
(From the
top-level directory) install the frontend dependencies:npm install
Once the dependencies have been installed, generate the static asset bundle:
a. If you're planning on editing HTML/CSS/JavaScript files, run
npm start
. This will start a development server that will automatically detect changes to static assets and rebuild the bundle.b. If you're not planning on editing HTML/CSS/JavaScript files, run
npm run build_development
If you ran
npm start
in the previous step, you will need to open a new terminal window and activate the virtual environment in the new terminal window. If you rannpm run build_development
then you can skip this step. -
Install the ontologies, branches, and resource models from the package.
python manage.py setup_db python manage.py packages -o load_package -a arches_lingo --yes -db
Load the test data:
python manage.py packages -o import_business_data -s tests/fixtures/data/aat_entries_scheme_examples.json -ow overwrite python manage.py packages -o import_business_data -s tests/fixtures/data/aat_entries_concept_examples.json -ow overwrite
In the terminal window that is running the Django server, halt the server and restart it.
(ctrl+c to halt the server) python manage.py runserver
NOTE: Changes are committed to the arches-lingo repository.
Navigate to the repository
cd arches-lingo
Cut a new git branch
git checkout origin/main -b my-descriptive-branch-name
If updating models or branches
Manually export the model or branch from the project
Manually move the exported model or branch into one of the subdirectories in the
Add your changes to the current git commit
git status git add -- path/to/file path/to/second/file git commit -m "Descriptive commit message"
Update the remote repository with your commits:
git push origin HEAD
Navigate to https://github.com/archesproject/arches-lingo/pulls to see and commit the pull request