A RPG bot, with a working inventory, market and economy, team setups and characters aswell. Each user has a server unique inventory and balance. Players may list items on a market for other users to buy. Users may create characters with teams from Pokemon in their storage box. Server administrators may add and give items to the server and its users. Pokemon boxes and server configurations.
Made by Henry#6174
allchars List all guild characters
character Get info on a character -
rp![character|c|char] <name>
- create Create a new character
rp!character [create|new] <name>
Example Characters:
Henry: rp!character create James RPGBot: Describe the character (Relevant character sheet) Henry: I work for team rocket trying to steal ash's pikachu RPGBot: What level is the character? Henry: 52 RPGBot: Any additional info? (Add a character image using the image keyword. Formats use regular syntax i.e image: http://image.com/, hair_color: blond, nickname: Kevin (Separate keys with commas or newlines) Henry: hair_color: purple, wealth: im actually rich, eye_color: blue RPGBot: Character created! pb!team addmember to add to your characters team!
- delete Delete a character of the given name (you must be the owner)
rp!character [delete|remove] <name>
- create Create a new character
characters List all your characters
- bid Place a bid on the current bidding item in the channel
- economy Check your or another users balance
rp![economy|bal|balance|eco|e] [member]
- givemoney Give the members money (Moderators)
rp!economy [givemoney|give] <amount> [members...]
- setbalance Set the balance of the given members to an amount
rp!economy [setbalance|set] <amount> [members...]
- givemoney Give the members money (Moderators)
- lootbox List the current lootboxes
- buy Buy a lootbox of the given name
rp!lootbox buy <name>
- create Create a new lootbox, under the given
for the given cost. Use{item}x{#}
notation to add items with {#} weight. Weight being an integer. For example withbananax2 orangex3
: The outcome of the box will be a random choice from [banana, banana, orange, orange, orange]rp!lootbox [create|new] <name> <cost> [items...]
- delete Delete a lootbox with the given name
rp!lootbox [delete|remove] <name>
- buy Buy a lootbox of the given name
- lotto List the currently running lottos.
- enter Enter the lottery with the given name.
rp!lotto [enter|join] <name>
- new Create a new lotto, with jacpot payout lasting time in seconds
rp!lotto [new|create] <name> <jackpot> <time>
- enter Enter the lottery with the given name.
- market View the current market listings
- buy Buy a given amount of an item from the player market at the cheapest given price
rp!market [buy|purchase] <id>
- create Create a new market listing
rp!market [create|createlisting|new|listitem|list] <cost> <amount> <item>
- search Search the market for an item
rp!market search <item>
- buy Buy a given amount of an item from the player market at the cheapest given price
- pay Pay another user money
rp!pay <amount> <member>
- shop Get all items currently listed on the server shop
additem Add an item to the server shop, to make an item unsaleable or unbuyable set their respective values to 0
Henry: rp!shop additem pokeball RPGBot: Say 'cancel' to cancel or 'skip' to skip a step. How much should this be buyable for? 0 for not buyable Henry: 0 RPGBot: How much should this be sellable for? 0 for not sellable Henry: 10 RPGBot: What is the minimum level a user must be for this item? 0 for no minimum Henry: 0 RPGBot: Guild shop updated
Can be sold for 10 and cannot be bought. User can be any level. Must be an existing item! Requires Bot Moderator or Admin
rp!shop [additem|add] <name>
buy Buy an item from the shop
rp!shop buy <item> <amount>
removeitem Remove a listed item. Requires Bot Mod or Bot Admin
rp!shop removeitem <name>
sell Sell an item to the shop
rp!shop sell <item> <amount>
- startbid Start a bid for an item
rp!startbid <item> <amount> <startbid>
- guild Get info on a member's guild. Subcommands for guild management
create Create a new guild
rp!guild create <name>
Example Usage:
Henry: rp!guild create Team Rocket RPGBot: 'cancel' or 'skip' to cancel creation or skip a step. Describe the Guild (guild description) Henry: We are the coolest cats in town, just looking to steal some Pikachus RPGBot: Is this guild open to everyone? Or is an invite necessary? (yes or no, no is assumed) Henry: yes RPGBot: If you'd like give a URL to an image for the guild Henry: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/d3/Team_Rocket_anime.png/300px-Team_Rocket_anime.png RPGBot: Finally, you can also set an icon for the guild Henry: https://www.seti.soton.ac.uk/static/uploads/socialgroupicon_36_1265776899.gif RPGBot: Guild successfully created!
delete Delete your guild
deposit Deposit an amount of money into the guild bank
rp!guild deposit <amount>
deposititems Deposit items into the guild's storage, uses {item}x{#} notation (i.e. bananax3)
rp!guild deposititems [items...]
info Get info on a guild
rp!guild info <name>
invite Invite a user your closed guild
rp!guild invite <user>
join Join a guild (if you have an invite for closed guilds)
rp!guild join <name>
kick Kick a member from a guild
rp!guild kick <user>
leave Leave your guild
setdescription Set the guild's description
rp!guild [setdescription|setdesc] <description>
seticon Set the guild's icon
rp!guild seticon <url>
setimage Set the guild's image
rp!guild setimage <url>
setmod Give the listed users mod for your guild (guild owner only)
rp!guild setmod [members...]
toggleopen Toggle the Guilds open state
withdraw Take money from the guild bank
rp!guild withdraw <amount>
withdrawitems Withdraw items from the guild (guild mods only, same syntax as deposit items)
rp!guild withdrawitems [items...]
- guilds List guilds
- inventory Check your or another users inventory.
rp![inventory|i|inv] [member]
- give Give items ({item}x{#}) to a member; ie: ;give @Henry#6174 pokeballx3
rp!inventory give <other> [items...]
- giveitem Give an item to a person (Not out of your inventory, must be Bot Moderator)
rp!inventory giveitem <item> <num> [members...]
- takeitem Remove an item from a person's inventory (Must be Bot Moderator)
rp!inventory [takeitem|take] <item> <num> [members...]
- give Give items ({item}x{#}) to a member; ie: ;give @Henry#6174 pokeballx3
donate Donation information
feedback Give me some feedback on the bot
rp!feedback <feedback>
info Bot Info
ping Test the bot's connection ping
rtd Roll a number of dice with given sides (ndx notation) Example: rp!rtd 3d7 2d4 Optional Additions: Test for success by adding a >/<#
Grab the top n rolls by adding ^n
Add to the final roll by just adding a number (pos or neg)
Examples of all:
Henry: rp!rtd 8d8 -12 15 ^4 >32 RPGBot: Roll failed (30 > 32) ([8 + 7 + 6 + 6] + -12 + 15) (Grabbed top 4 out of 8)
rp![rtd|rollthedice|dice] [dice...]
source Displays my full source code or for a specific command. To display the source code of a subcommand you have to separate it by periods, e.g. tag.create for the create subcommand of the tag command.
rp!source [command]
totalcmds Get totals of commands and their number of uses
- box Check the pokemon in your box
rp!box [member]
- pokemon Subcommands for Pokemon management, see rp!help pokemon. Same use as rp!box
rp![pokemon|p] [member]
create Create a new Pokemon to add to your box
rp!pokemon [create|new]
Example Usage:
Henry: rp!pokemon create RPGBot: In any step type 'cancel' to cancel. What will its nickname be? Henry: Charry RPGBot: What species of Pokemon is it? Henry: Charizard RPGBot: In any order, what are its stats? (level, health, attack, defense, spatk, spdef)For example level: 5, health: 22, attack: 56 Type 'skip' to skip. Henry: level: 23, health: 42, attack: 52, spdef: 12, health: 88, spatk: 88 RPGBot: Any additional data? (Format like the above, for example nature: hasty, color: brown) Henry: nature: adamant, color: shiny RPGBot: Finished! Pokemon has been added to box with ID 1
info Get info on a Pokemon
rp!pokemon info <id>
trade Offer a trade to a user.
is the ID of the Pokemon you want to give,their_id
is the Pokemon you want from them.other
being the user you want to trade withrp!pokemon trade <your_id> <their_id> <other>
release Release a Pokemon from your box
rp!pokemon [release|delete|rm|remove] <id>
settings Get the current server settings
- additem Add a custom item
rp!settings additem <name>
Example Usage:
Henry: rp!s additem Banana RPGBot: Describe the item (a description for the item) Henry: A delicious yellow fruit RPGBot: Additional information? (Attributes formatted in a list i.e `color: 400, value: 200`) Henry: color: yellow, taste: delicious, type: fruit RPGBot: Item successfully created
- iteminfo Get info on a server item
rp!settings iteminfo <item>
- items See all items for a guild
- additem Add a custom item
- team Check a character's team
rp!team <character>
- add Add a Pokemon to a character's team
rp!team [add|addmember] <character> <id>
- remove Remove a Pokemon from a character's team
rp!team [remove|removemember] <character> <id>
- add Add a Pokemon to a character's team
- userinfo Get info on a user
rp![userinfo|ui] [user]
- experience Get your or another user's level information. Help on this command for experience subcommands
EXP is calculated using a 0.1x^2+5x+4 where x is equal to the user's current level
Spamming commands or messages will not earn more exp!
rp![experience|exp] [member]
- add Give the given members an amount of experience
rp!experience add <amount> [members...]
- setlevel Set the given members level
rp!experience setlevel <level> [members...]
- add Give the given members an amount of experience