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Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Restructure molecule host vars
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Laxmikant Chintakindi authored and Laxmikant Chintakindi committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent cb5ab69 commit 2f6b653
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Showing 28 changed files with 431 additions and 700 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,19 @@
- [Management Interfaces](#management-interfaces)
- [IP Domain-list](#ip-domain-list)
- [Clock Settings](#clock-settings)
- [Management Accounts](#management-accounts)
- [Management API gNMI](#management-api-gnmi)
- [Management CVX Summary](#management-cvx-summary)
- [Management Console](#management-console)
- [Management API HTTP](#management-api-http)
- [Management API Models](#management-api-models)
- [CVX](#cvx)
- [CVX Services](#cvx-services)
- [CVX Device Configuration](#cvx-device-configuration)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Local Users](#local-users)
- [Enable Password](#enable-password)
- [Management defaults](#management-defaults)
- [TACACS Servers](#tacacs-servers)
- [RADIUS Server](#radius-server)
- [AAA Server Groups](#aaa-server-groups)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,22 +97,45 @@ agent KernelFib environment KERNELFIB_PROGRAM_ALL_ECMP=true

| Management Interface | Description | Type | VRF | IP Address | Gateway |
| -------------------- | ----------- | ---- | --- | ---------- | ------- |
| Management0 | - | oob | default | | - |
| Management1 | OOB_MANAGEMENT | oob | MGMT | | |
| Management42 | - | oob | default | - | - |
| Vlan123 | inband_management | inband | default | | |

##### IPv6

| Management Interface | Description | Type | VRF | IPv6 Address | IPv6 Gateway |
| -------------------- | ----------- | ---- | --- | ------------ | ------------ |
| Management0 | - | oob | default | - | - |
| Management1 | OOB_MANAGEMENT | oob | MGMT | - | - |
| Management42 | - | oob | default | - | - |
| Vlan123 | inband_management | inband | default | - | - |

#### Management Interfaces Device Configuration

interface Management0
mac-address 00:1c:73:00:00:aa
ip address
interface Management1
description OOB_MANAGEMENT
vrf MGMT
ip address
interface Management42
speed forced 1000full
no lldp transmit
no lldp receive
lldp tlv transmit ztp vlan 666
interface Vlan123
description inband_management
mtu 1500
ip address
ip virtual-router address

### IP Domain-list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,6 +166,207 @@ Clock Timezone is set to **GMT**.
clock timezone GMT

### Management Accounts

#### Password Policy

The password policy set for management accounts is: AVD_POLICY

#### Management Accounts Device Configuration

management accounts
password policy AVD_POLICY

### Management API gNMI

#### Management API gNMI Summary

| Transport | SSL Profile | VRF | Notification Timestamp | ACL | Port |
| --------- | ----------- | --- | ---------------------- | --- | ---- |
| MGMT | gnmi | MGMT | send-time | acl1 | 6030 |
| mytransport | - | - | send-time | acl1 | 6032 |

| Transport | Destination | Destination Port | gNMI SSL Profile | Tunnel SSL Profile | VRF | Local Interface | Local Port | Target ID |
| --------- | ----------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | --- | --------------- | ---------- | --------- |
| onetarget | | 10000 | ssl_profile | ssl_profile | management | Management1 | 10001 | testid100 |
| multipletargets | | 10000 | ssl_profile | ssl_profile | management | Management1 | 10001 | testid1 testid2 testid3 testid4 |
| serialandtargets | | 10000 | ssl_profile | ssl_profile | management | Management1 | 10001 | Serial-Number testid10 testid20 |
| noserialnotargets | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
| serialonly | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Serial-Number |

Provider eos-native is configured.

#### Management API gNMI Device Configuration

management api gnmi
transport grpc MGMT
ssl profile gnmi
vrf MGMT
ip access-group acl1
notification timestamp send-time
transport grpc mytransport
port 6032
ip access-group acl1
notification timestamp send-time
transport grpc-tunnel multipletargets
no shutdown
vrf management
tunnel ssl profile ssl_profile
gnmi ssl profile ssl_profile
destination port 10000
local interface Management1 port 10001
target testid1 testid2 testid3 testid4
transport grpc-tunnel noserialnotargets
transport grpc-tunnel onetarget
vrf management
tunnel ssl profile ssl_profile
gnmi ssl profile ssl_profile
destination port 10000
local interface Management1 port 10001
target testid100
transport grpc-tunnel serialandtargets
no shutdown
vrf management
tunnel ssl profile ssl_profile
gnmi ssl profile ssl_profile
destination port 10000
local interface Management1 port 10001
target serial-number testid10 testid20
transport grpc-tunnel serialonly
target serial-number
provider eos-native

### Management CVX Summary

| Shutdown | CVX Servers |
| -------- | ----------- |
| False |,, leaf1.atd.lab |

#### Management CVX Source Interface

| Interface | VRF |
| --------- | --- |
| Loopback0 | MGMT |

#### Management CVX Device Configuration

management cvx
no shutdown
server host
server host
server host leaf1.atd.lab
source-interface Loopback0
vrf MGMT

### Management Console

#### Management Console Timeout

Management Console Timeout is set to **15** minutes.

#### Management Console Device Configuration

management console
idle-timeout 15

### Management API HTTP

#### Management API HTTP Summary

| HTTP | HTTPS | Default Services |
| ---- | ----- | ---------------- |
| False | True | True |

Management HTTPS is using the SSL profile SSL_PROFILE

#### Management API VRF Access

| VRF Name | IPv4 ACL | IPv6 ACL |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| default | ACL-API | ACL-API6 |
| MGMT | ACL-API | - |

HTTPS certificate and private key are configured.

#### Management API HTTP Device Configuration

management api http-commands
protocol https
no protocol http
protocol https ssl profile SSL_PROFILE
no shutdown
vrf default
no shutdown
ip access-group ACL-API
ipv6 access-group ACL-API6
vrf MGMT
no shutdown
ip access-group ACL-API
protocol https certificate

### Management API Models

#### Management API Models Summary

| Provider | Path | Disabled |
| -------- | ---- | ------- |
| smash | flexCounters | False |
| smash | forwarding/srte/status/fec | False |
| smash | routing6/status | False |
| smash | routing/bgp/export/allPeerAdjRibIn | False |
| smash | routing/status | True |
| smash | tunnel/tunnelFib/entry | False |
| sysdb | /Sysdb/sys/logging/config/vrfLoggingHost/mgmt | True |
| sysdb | cell/1/agent | True |

#### Management API Models Device Configuration

management api models
provider smash
path flexCounters
path forwarding/srte/status/fec
path routing6/status
path routing/bgp/export/allPeerAdjRibIn
path routing/status disabled
path tunnel/tunnelFib/entry
provider sysdb
path /Sysdb/sys/logging/config/vrfLoggingHost/mgmt disabled
path cell/1/agent disabled

## CVX

| Peer Hosts |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +440,18 @@ enable password sha512 <removed>

### Management defaults

Default secret hash is set to md5

#### Management defaults Device Configuration

management defaults
secret hash md5

### TACACS Servers

#### TACACS Servers
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- [Management](#management)
- [Management Interfaces](#management-interfaces)
- [Management CVX Summary](#management-cvx-summary)
- [Management API HTTP](#management-api-http)
- [CVX](#cvx)
- [CVX Device Configuration](#cvx-device-configuration)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +63,39 @@ interface Management1
ip address

### Management CVX Summary

| Shutdown | CVX Servers |
| -------- | ----------- |
| True | - |

#### Management CVX Device Configuration

management cvx

### Management API HTTP

#### Management API HTTP Summary

| HTTP | HTTPS | Default Services |
| ---- | ----- | ---------------- |
| True | False | False |

#### Management API HTTP Device Configuration

management api http-commands
no protocol https
protocol http
no default-services
no shutdown

## CVX

CVX is disabled
Expand Down

This file was deleted.


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