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personal Neovim configuration based on Nix and LazyVim

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Lixim - Neovim Editor with Custom LazyVim Setup

lixim is my personal Neovim configuration based on Nix and LazyVim.

It features a pre-configured neovim program, accessible as a Nix package, or configured through Nix modules.

It's usable in four variants:

  • lazyvim includes all LazyVim extras which are implemented
    • useful for debugging and development purposes, such as comparing the checkhealth output
    • when not choosing lazyvim than LazyVim extras includes depends on core, balance, max value
  • core includes most important plugins and configurations
  • balance includes more features but nothing too heavy
  • max includes all plugins

Each option builds upon the previous one, so selecting max includes all configurations.


All variants are pre-configured, to try out the core variant, run XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$(mktemp -d) nix run github:arminfro/lixim#core.

The default package is the max variant.


Most of the configuration is achieved by setting enableLvl to one of the following options: lazyvim, core, balance, max.

Example configuration using the homeManagerModule:

{ inputs, ... }:
  imports = [ inputs.lixim.homeManagerModules.default ];

  programs.neovim = {
    enable = true;
    defaultEditor = true;
    viAlias = true;
    vimAlias = true;
    lixim = {
      enable = true;
      enableLvl = "max";

      # optionals:
      useNeovimNightly = true;
      useLatestLazyVim = false;

      # set by env `SNIPPETS_PATH` or else `vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/snippets"`
      snippetsPath = /home/user/Workspace/nix/lixim/config/snippets;

      # set command to read OpenAi API Key, otherwise OPENAI_API_KEY is tried
      openAiApiPasswordCommand = "pass Ai/open-ai/api-key";

      # set by env `ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR`, integration for
      zkNotebookPath = /home/user/Documents/zk-notes;

      lang = {
        astro.enable = true;
        css.enable = true;
        docker.enable = true;
        git.enable = true;
        html.enable = true;
        json.enable = true;
        markdown.enable = true;
        nix.enable = true;
        nushell.enable = true;
        react.enable = true;
        rust.enable = true;
        sql.enable = true;
        svelte.enable = true;
        tailwind.enable = true;
        toml.enable = true;
        typescript.enable = true;
        typst.enable = true;
        yaml.enable = true;

To use the above configuration add lixim input in flake.nix file:

  inputs = {
    lixim = {
      url = "github:arminfro/lixim";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";


Sources of inspiration:


personal Neovim configuration based on Nix and LazyVim







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