🔭 I’m currently working on MERn Stack
🌱 I’m currently learning My SQL Dtabase
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://fascinating-cupcake-e0d36b.netlify.app/
📝 I regularly write articles on https://medium.com/@princesahil0065
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, JS, React, Redux, TypeScript, Next JS, Node, Express, MongoDB, Python, Bootstrap, Tailwind
📫 How to reach me princesahil0065@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vv-9WSOl3vLv0YZ4owDLZviAORy-1ekm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113946876522474575983&rtpof=true&sd=true
⚡ Fun fact I think, I'm a Foodie.
Masai School
- Kolkata
- https://portfolio-muskan.netlify.app/
- @Sahil_2507
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Frontend-Master PublicA website whixh is use for learning frontend courses. Here you will fnd all videos related to contents and notes as well. A construct week project in Masai, created by four team members in 5 days.
Sudoku-Solver PublicA web application for playing a famous game Sudoku using this website a user can play sudoku and user can test his mind also. A small application created by me practising advanced js.
Zee5_Website PublicAs we started Masai School To build up our carrier as a MERN STACK DEVELOPER. I'm learning since Dec 2021. Now build a beautiful Zee5 Clone website with help of my colleagues and we these technolog…
FabBag-Clone PublicAt FAB BAG, we are beauty experts and addicts driven by our passion for high-quality beauty products and delightful service. We recognize that our members are beauty enthusiastic women looking for …
TypeScript 1
Modesense-Clone PublicModeSens is your digital shopping assistant for the smart and informed. Established in 2015, ModeSens is led by a team of industry experts who developed a solution to the disconnected and crowded o…
JavaScript 1
40 contributions in the last year
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