Clone of Frontend Master: Website link:- In the construct week of unit-3, we tried to make clone of frontend Master Website.we tried to built as much as functionalities and pages as the original website.
We had to clone the frontend Master website. This website is all about learning front-end courses. It provides a lot of courses courses through which one can become a master in front-end. We have made all the pages like landing page,signup page, login page, etc with different functionalities and simple and attractive UI.
Technologies Used:-
Getting Started:- We started making our project with an group meeting. We have 6 members in our team. We started a zoom meeting and discussed on which part who will work and divide our task. We started with creating a repository on GitHub, and assigned them to the respective person by creating branches.
Dependencies:- ● One person going through project should have sound knowledge of HTML,CSS and javascript ● An OS is perfect to run the project.(ex. Windows 10)
Executing program:- ● First, you need to open zarahome.html page ● Then, explore by going through different pages like signup, login, men, women, kids, shoes, etc.
Functionalities of the Website:- ● Landing page ● Signup page ● Login page ● Dynamic searching ● Payment option
Contributors: ● Aniket Solanki ● Muskan Shaw ● Sreenath Panchal ● Susmita Mandal ● Swapnil ● Aman
Blog Link:
Deploy Link: