This repository is a collection of code snippets for working with different parts of Amazon Connect. The snippets are organized by language. There's an additional directory called tools
and a collection of projects that come with associated CloudFormation templates and Contact Flows in the projects/
We currently have snippets in:
- Python under python/
- Java under java/
- DotNet (C#) under dotnet/
- Javascript under javascript/
- Go under go/
- PowerShell powershell/
- Tools tools/
Feel free to add more languages. Please follow the requirements in each subdirectory README.
Name | Description | Links |
Outbound Dial | Uses the StartOutboundVoiceContact API to call a number. | Java DotNet Go |
Holiday Check | Can be used to check for holidays in a contact flow | Python |
Sync Instance User Data | Can be used to sync basic user information from one instance to another instance | Python |
Lex Default Intent Function | pass the utterance used in Lex on default intent to a contact attribute in connect | Python |
Get Available Agents | Uses the GetCurrentMetricData API to get all available agents in a queue | Go |
Add Connect User | Add a new user to Amazon Connect | PowerShell |
Multi Account / Multi Instance Metric Collection | Collect metrics from multiple accounts | Python |
Restrict Deskphone in CCP | Enforce deskphone settings with javascript in the CCP | Javascript |
Remote Control Center | Centrally manage prompts and routing configurations in DynamoDB | Python |
Contact Flow Helper | A single AWS Lambda function which provides a set of basic math and text tools to help manipulate data in contact flows | Python |
Create Tasks Programmatically | CloudFormation template to enable you to programmatically create an Amazon Connect Task | Javascript |
Amazon Connect Reg-Ex Patterns | For use in Cloudformation templates | Tools |
Amazon Connect Objects | Contact flow blocks that can be imported into | Tools |
Check Time Left | This snippet helps make a routing decision whether to add a new contact to the queue or take another action (like terminating the call) based on the queue length and the business hours for that day. | Python |
Name | Description | Links |
Context Routing | Uses CTR processing, Lambda, and DynamoDB to track IVR task completion and return callers to incomplete tasks | CloudFormation |
SCV-CrossAccountSMS | Uses Lambda and cross account permissions to allow Salesforce Service Cloud Voice provisioned Amazon Connect instances to utilize SNS to send SMS messages. | CloudFormation |
CallerHistory | The caller history project utilizes AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB to record if an individual has contacted previously though a user defined identifier and records time of last contact. | CloudFormation |
CrossRegionCrossAccount | This project shows how to call an AWS Lambda function that exists in a separate account or a separate region using AWS Lambda permissions. | CloudFormation |
GetSetDataByID | This project expands on the CallerHistory project by implementing additional functionality to get, put, and update items in Amazon DynamoDB. | CloudFormation |
LastAgentRouting | This project shows how to potentially implement last agent routing for customers using a voice channel. | CloudFormation |
RoutingFeatureRouting | This project shows how to capture a routing feature and use that to dynamically route a caller in a contact flow. | CloudFormation |
LambdaAlias | This project shows how to provide access to an AWS Lambda function Alias from Amazon Connect. | CloudFormation |
ContextRouting | This project demonstrates how you can use contact trace record processing, Lambda, and DynamoDB to track a callers progress through an IVR task, such as making a payment, and return them to that task should they be disconnected. | CloudFormation |
Rate Limiter | The rate limiter project utilizes AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB dynamically to add rate limiting a caller to a Amazon Connect queue based on their phone number and/or IP address. | CloudFormation |
CCP Log Parser | A visualisation tool to visualise CCP logs to help troubleshoot client side errors | link |
Connectivity Test Tool | This tool checks which web browser the agent is running, the network configuration from the client side and whether the microphone has required permissions. | link |
Dynamic Contact Center | This project demonstrates how you can use persistent session attributes to develop modular, repeatable and dynamic contact flows | CloudFormation |
Connect Cloudwatch Dashboard | This project automates the creation and deployment of a Cloudwatch Dashboard to monitor critical metrics for an Amazon Connect instance | link |
Make sure the .gitignore
per language is applied.
Make sure your snippet has no external dependencies.
Make sure your snippet is self contained.