Sigma-point Kalman Filters
spkf is a header only C++ library with canonical implementations of:
- EKF: Extended Kalman Filter
- UKF: Unscented Kalman Filter
- CDKF: Central Difference Kalman Filter
- SqrtUKF: Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter
- SqrtCDKF: Square-Root Central Difference Kalman Filter
- Eigen 3.2.0
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
- CMake 3.5.0 (optional)
sudo apt-get install cmake
Define Process and Observation models as function object types process_t
and observe_t
Process model
/* process model: x_{k+1} = f(x_k, u_k, q) */
template <typename Scalar>
struct process_t {
using scalar_t = Scalar;
using state_t = StateT<scalar_t>;
using control_t = ControlT<scalar_t>;
inline bool operator()(Eigen::Ref<state_t> state_k,
const Eigen::Ref<const control_t> &control_k,
const Eigen::Ref<const state_t> &proc_noise_k,
const Scalar del_k) const {
state_k[0] += state_k[3] * del_k * cos(state_k[2]);
state_k[1] += state_k[3] * del_k * sin(state_k[2]);
state_k[2] += state_k[4] * del_k;
state_k[3] += control_k[0] * del_k;
state_k[4] += control_k[1] * del_k;
state_k += proc_noise_k;
return true;
Alias these types in process_t
scalar floating-point type (e.g. float/double)state_t
state vector typecontrol_t
control vector type
Observation model
/* observation model: z_k = h(x_k) */
template <typename Scalar>
struct observe_t {
using scalar_t = Scalar;
using state_t = StateVector<Scalar>;
using meas_t = MeasVector<Scalar>;
inline bool operator()(const Eigen::Ref<const state_t> &state_k,
Eigen::Ref<meas_t> meas_k) const {
return true;
Types that need be aliased in observe_t
scalar floating-point type (e.g. float/double)state_t
state vector typemeas_t
measurement vector type
, for instance can be specialized by using process_t
and observe_t
as template parameters
spkf::SqrtCDKF<process_t<double>, observe_t<double>>
filter(state_k, covar_k, proc_covar_k, meas_covar_k);
Once initialized, the filter can be run by repeatedly calling the predict filter.predict(control_k, del_k)
and update filter.update(meas_k)
- Build
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
- Run
cd ../bin/