TFeather wing for the ARGOS-SMD module. This breakout board can be used with a Feather board (from Adafruit) to connect the ARGOS-SMD module. It exposes the ARGOS-SMD module pins to the Feather board and includes a specific LDO to power the RF amplifier.
Details of SMD argos repository.
This repository is an altium project with the production files. Please download the hardware-lib if you want full sources files (device sheet + library).
The RSPB tracker include the following components:
- argos-smd
- TPS62A01DRL => power for RF amplifier
Look at featherwings-argos-smd_Pinout.xlsx file inside Project Outputs folder.
- DeviceSheets:
- TPS62A01DRL_Buck_3V3
V0.1e: (2023/10/01): PCB production for test purpose (no assembly)
- Replace TPS62A01DRL by TPS63901.