I'm a 30-year-old environmental engineer who is transitioning to a career in information technology. I currently reside in MacaΓ©, Brazil and I'm studying at Trybe.
I'm a 30-year-old environmental engineer who is transitioning to a career in information technology. I currently reside in MacaΓ©, Brazil, and I'm studying at Trybe.
I am a web developer who is always eager to invest time and effort into coding and excels in diverse and collaborative teams.
Problem-solving is my passion. Feel free to challenge me to a Clash of Code match at Codingame!
- This is a web application for product search that connects to Mercado Livre and BuscapΓ© websites to fetch information about products in categories such as TV, Refrigerator, and Mobile. The application is developed using React for the user interface, Material-UI for creating a modern and responsive interface, Cheerio for web scraping the websites' pages, Express and Node.js for building the backend and managing API routes, and Mongoose for connecting to MongoDB database and storing search results.
π Lessons Learned
- A HTML/CSS page about the lessons learned in the first three blocks at Trybe.
π Playground Functions
- 13 Problems solved with Javascript.
π Color Guess
- A color guess game built with Javascript, HTML and CSS.
π Todo List
- A todo list page built with Javascript, HTML and CSS.
π Meme Generator
- A meme generator page built with Javascript, HTML and CSS.
π Pixels Art
- A pixels board painting page built with Javascript, HTML and CSS.
π Unit Tests
- A Project for practicing Unit Tests implementation.
π Zoo Functions
- A simulation of a zoo management system built to practice JavaScript higher-order functions.
π Shopping Cart
- π§ :π· π§
π Solar System
- React App about Planets and Missions built with Javascript and React. (Page)
π Tryunfo
- A Top Trumps like game app built with React.
π TrybeTunes
- Music streaming application made with React, using component lifecycle methods and React Router.
- Simplified application of an online store built with React.
- A test routine for a pre-existing PokΓ©dex application using React Testing Library.
π Trybe Wallet
- A wallet for personal expenses management built with Javascript, React and React Redux.
π Trivia React Redux
- Trivia game app developed with React and React Redux (Page)
- Application that lists and filters planets from the Star Wars universe using Context API and Hooks to control global states.
π Recipes App
- React App for drinks and meals recipes built wit Javascript and React, using React Hooks and Context API. (page)
π Docker Todo List
- "Containerization" of frontend, backend and test applications using Docker, creating a connection between them and orchestrating their operation.
π All for One
- Creation of queries in SQL using DDL(Data Definition Language), DML(Data Manipulation Language) and DQL(Data Query Language) commands.
π One for All
- Creation of databases, tables, and queries in SQL using DDL, DML, and DQL commands.
π Talker Manager
- Application for speakers' data management, in which it is possible to register, view, search, edit, and delete information.
π Store Manager
- RESTful API for a sales management application using the MSC (model-service-controller) architecture.
π Blogs API
- This RESTful API for blog management was built with Node.js and Sequelize to provide efficient and scalable blog management functionalities.
π Trybesmith
- This RESTful API for a medieval item shop was built with Node.js and TypeScript to manage login, transactions, and customer data.
π Trybers and Dragons
- π§ :π· π§
π Trybe Futebol Clube
- TFC is an informative website about football matches and standings. In this project, the back-end is dockerized and uses data modeling through Sequelize. In this project, the API is consumed by a pre-provided front-end. To add a match, a token is required, so the person must be logged in to make changes and be able to populate the standings table.
π Front-End
π Back-End
π Testing
π DevOps