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A Workbook for the Qiskit Developer Certification Exam

This notebooks cover the vast majority of topics related to the exam (see in section Exam contents). It is a compilation of many references, IBM challenges/schools and discussions with friends. I hope it helps you in getting your certificate. For any questions/suggestions or even Pull Requests please don't hesitate to contact me: LinkedIn!

exam's website:

Repository Description:

  1. circuits_and_gates:

    • single_and_multiple_qubits_gates.ipynb
  2. simulators_and_visualization:

    • statevector_and_visualization.ipynb
    • unitary_simulator_and_operators.ipynb
    • qasm_simulator_and_visualization.ipynb
  3. other_tools:

    • fidelity.ipynb
    • qiskit_tools.ipynb

OBS: please note that some things mentioned before may be deprecated as the time goes.

NEW: Study flashcards! Password: senhaboba

Exam contents (from the official exam's website)

Perform operations on quantum circuits: 47%

  • Construct multi-qubit quantum registers
  • Measure quantum circuits in classical registers
  • Use single-qubit gates
  • Use multi-qubit gates
  • Use barrier operations
  • Return the circuit depth
  • Extend quantum circuits
  • Return the OpenQASM string for a circuit

Executing experiments: 3%

  • Execute a quantum circuit

Implement BasicAer: Python Based Simulations: 3%

  • Use the available simulators

Implement QASM: 1%

  • Read a QASM file and string

Compare and contrast quantum information: 10%

  • Use classical and quantum registers
  • Use operators
  • Measure fidelity

Return the experiment results: 7%

  • Return and understand the histogram data of an experiment
  • Return and understand the statevector of an experiment
  • Return and understand the unitary of an experiment

Use Qiskit tools: 1%

  • Monitor the status of a job instance

Display and use system's information: 3%

  • Perform operations around the Qiskit version
  • Use information gained from %quiskit_backend_overview

Construct visualizations: 19%

  • Draw a circuit
  • Plot a histogram of data
  • Plot a Bloch multivector
  • Plot a Bloch vector
  • Plot a QSphere
  • Plot a density matrix
  • Plot a gate map with error rates

Access Aer provider: 6%

  • Access a statevector_simulator backend
  • Access a qasm_simulator backend
  • Access a unitary_simulator backend

Notes on study strategy:

As noted on the exam's content, the most asked questions are about perform operations on quantum circuits(47%), quantum information (10%) and constructing visualizations (19%). We suggest focusing on those topics. We also suggest the use of flashcards (linked above), as they are more focused on sintax and more reliant on memory.

Of course, practice makes perfect! If possible, consider participating in quantum Hackatons or working on problems from Qiskit Textbook.

Good luck on your test!

Useful infos:

Extra references

  1. Qiskit Textbook chapters 1-2:
  2. Qiskit-tutorials on GitHub:
  3. Bartu's repo on GitHub:
  4. The Ultimate Guide to a Quantum Computing Certification with Qiskit:
  5. My repo on basic QC algorithms:

On how to prepare yourself, Qiskit community and channels

  1. Motivation:
  2. IBM’s James Weaver slides:
  3. Qiskit Slack Channel:
  4. 1-min Qiskit:
  5. Qiskit Youtube:
  6. Quantum Computing Club at UIC:

Sample exams

  1. IBM's sample test for free:
  2. Udemy - Practice Exams | IBM Quantum developer certification exam:
  3. A1000-112 Assessment: Fundamentals of Quantum Computation Using Qiskit v0.2X Developer ($30, 60-question sample test, very similar to the original exam):

Extra useful tools

  1. How to get practice with Bloch Sphere rotations:
  2. Glossary and operations glossary by IBM:
  3. Others:


  1. Quantum Algorithm Implementations for Beginners:
  2. Careers in Quantum: