channels-examples Public
Forked from andrewgodwin/channels-examplesForked for training on scripting and Docker
- Public
Forked from jpetazzo/container.trainingSlides and code samples for training, tutorials, and workshops about containers.
Python Other UpdatedJul 30, 2019 -
cpp_plazza Public
multi-process, multi-threaded contact data scrapper written in C++ (school work)
C++ UpdatedMay 27, 2018 -
c_generic_list Public
A personnal yet generic double link list library (with a tiny cpp-like iterator implementation)
emmajordome Public
A bot that helps you track things you have to do everyday
epitech-c-cpp-plain Public
Docker container for c/c++ testing. Criterion enabled
Shell UpdatedNov 24, 2018 -
minilibc Public
Recode of a few standard libc functions as a way to learn NASM (school work)
C UpdatedJul 29, 2018 -
myIRC Public
Simple, stripped down, IRC client and server (educationnal purpose)
C UpdatedMay 27, 2018 -
node-jwt-authentication-api Public
Forked from cornflourblue/node-jwt-authentication-apiNodeJS JWT Authentication API tweaked for some exercices with Docker
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2019 -
revealjs Public
Forked from enix/revealjsA simple container to support revealjs presentations
HTML UpdatedAug 21, 2019 -
Scripts to ease deployement using deployement SSH keys rather than secrets or RW accounts.
Shell UpdatedAug 18, 2019 -
telegraf Public
Forked from telegraf/telegrafModern Telegram Bot Framework for Node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 2, 2020