This is a repo where I'm going to share my journey of solving 500 leetcode problems.
Note: I sloved around 136 problems since the time creating this repo but I will redo them and post every problem I do to this repo. Do not ask me why I focused on the easy problems lol
- Make my github account looks cool so I can flex on other developers with my commits dashboard. I heard someone got a 500k job offer for having nice commits dashboard, why not me :(
- Show people that I really do leetcode. I do leetcode.
- You can trust me that I'm a good software engineer
Problems solved: 48
Brain cells lost: Too many to count 🧠
- All the solutions will be mine, maybe not all the time sometimes I rely on discussions and leetcode editorial but not chatgpt.
- Do not blame me when your machine blows by using my code I'm not responsible do not waste your money to sue me.
- This is all for my personal refrence but feel free to learn from my dumb mistakes.
- 1930 - solution time is O(N^2) but can be met with O(N)
- 1249 - have messy code and will fix later
You're welcome
Happy Leetcoding :)