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Asgardeo Auth JavaScript SDK

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⚠️ This is a core SDK that is not supposed to be used in applications.

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Asgardeo Auth JavaScript SDK provides the core methods that are needed to implement OIDC authentication in JavaScript/TypeScript-based apps. This SDK can be used to build SDKs for Single-Page Applications, React Native, Node.JS and various other frameworks that use JavaScript.


Create an organization in Asgardeo if you don't already have one. The organization name you choose will be referred to as <org_name> throughout this tutorial.


Install the library from the npm registry.

npm install @asgardeo/auth-js

Getting Started

Using an Embedded Script

// The SDK provides a client that can be used to carry out the authentication.
import { AsgardeoAuthClient } from "@asgardeo/auth-js";

// Create a config object containing the necessary configurations.
const config = {
    signInRedirectURL: "http://localhost:3000/sign-in",
    signOutRedirectURL: "http://localhost:3000/dashboard",
    clientID: "client ID",
    baseUrl: "<org_name>"

// Create a Store class to store the authentication data. The following implementation uses the session storage.
class SessionStore {
    // Saves the data to the store.
    async setData(key, value) {
        sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);

    // Gets the data from the store.
    async getData(key) {
        return sessionStorage.getItem(key);

    // Removes the date from the store.
    async removeData(key) {

class CryptoUtils {
    // Encodes the input data into base64 URL encoded string.
    public base64URLEncode(value) {
        return base64url.encode(value).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g, "");

    // Decodes the base64 URL encoded string into the original data.
    public base64URLDecode(value) {
        return base64url.decode(value).toString();

    // Hashes the input data using SHA256.
    public hashSha256(data) {
        return Buffer.from(sha256(new TextEncoder().encode(data)));

    // Generates a random bytes of the specified length.
    public generateRandomBytes(length) {
        return randombytes(length);

    // Verifies the JWT signature.
    public verifyJwt(
    ) {
        // Parses the key object into a format that would be accepted by verifyJwt()
        const key = parseJwk(jwk);

        return jwtVerify(idToken, jwk, {
            algorithms: algorithms,
            audience: clientID,
            clockTolerance: clockTolerance,
            issuer: issuer,
            subject: subject
        }).then(() => {
            return Promise.resolve(true);

// Instantiate the SessionStore class
const store = new SessionStore();

// Instantiate the CryptoUtils class
const cryptoUtils = new CryptoUtils();

// Instantiate the AsgardeoAuthClient and pass the store object as an argument into the constructor.
const auth = new AsgardeoAuthClient();

// Initialize the instance with the config object.
auth.initialize(config, store, cryptoUtils);

// To get the authorization URL, simply call this method.
    .then((url) => {
        // Redirect the user to the authentication URL. If this is used in a browser,
        // you may want to do something like this:
        window.location.href = url;
    .catch((error) => {

// Once you obtain the authentication code and the session state from the server, you can use this method
// to get the access token.
auth.requestAccessToken("code", "session-state", "state")
    .then((response) => {
        // Obtain the token and other related from the response;
    .catch((error) => {

Learn more.


The SDK provides a client class called AsgardeoAuthClient that provides you with the necessary methods to implement authentication. You can instantiate the class and use the object to access the provided methods.


new AsgardeoAuthClient();


This creates an instance of the AsgardeoAuthClient class and returns it.


const auth = new AsgardeoAuthClient();


initialize(config: AuthClientConfig<T>, store: Store, cryptoUtils: CryptoUtils): Promise<void>;


  1. config: AuthClientConfig<T>

    This contains the configuration information needed to implement authentication such as the client ID, server origin etc. Additional configuration information that is needed to be stored can be passed by extending the type of this argument using the generic type parameter. For example, if you want the config to have an attribute called foo, you can create an interface called Bar in TypeScript and then pass that interface as the generic type to AuthClientConfig interface. To learn more about what attributes can be passed into this object, refer to the AuthClientConfig<T> section.

    interface Bar {
        foo: string
    const auth = new AsgardeoAuthClient(config: AuthClientConfig<Bar>, store: Store, cryptoUtils: CryptoUtils);
  2. store: Store

    This is the object of interface Store that is used by the SDK to store all the necessary data used ranging from the configuration data to the access token. You can implement the Store to create a class with your own implementation logic and pass an instance of the class as the second argument. This way, you will be able to get the data stored in your preferred place. To know more about implementing the Store interface, refer to the Data Storage section.

  3. cryptoUtils: CryptoUtils

    This is the object of the interface CryptoUtils that is used by the SDK to perform cryptographic functions. Since the crypto implementation varies from environment to environment, this object is used to inject environment-specific crypto implementation. So, developers are expected to implement this interface and pass an object of this interface as an argument to the constructor. To know more about implementing this interface, refer to the CryptoUtils section.


This method initializes the instance with the config data.


const config = {
    signInRedirectURL: "http://localhost:3000/sign-in",
    signOutRedirectURL: "http://localhost:3000/dashboard",
    clientID: "client ID",
    baseUrl: "<org_name>"
const _store: Store = initiateStore(;
const _cryptoUtils: SPACryptoUtils = new SPACryptoUtils();

const auth = new AsgardeoAuthClient<MainThreadClientConfig>();

await auth.initialize(config, _store, _cryptoUtils);


getDataLayer(): DataLayer<T>


dataLayer : DataLayer

A DataLayer object wraps the Store object passed during object instantiation and provides access to various types of data used by the SDK. To learn more about the various types of interfaces provide by the DataLayer, refer to the Data layer section.


This method returns the DataLayer object used by the SDK to store authentication data.


const dataLayer = auth.getDataLayer();


getCryptoHelper(): Promise<CryptoHelper>


cryptoHelper : CryptoHelper

A CryptoHelper provides support for performing a cryptographic operation such as producing a PKCE code and verifying ID tokens. To learn more about the various types of interfaces provided by the CryptoHelper, refer to the Crypto Utils section.


This method returns the CryptoHelper object used by the SDK to perform cryptographic operations.


const cryptoHelper = auth.getCryptoHelper();


getAuthorizationURLParams(config?: GetAuthURLConfig, userID?: string): Promise<Map<string, string>>


  1. config: GetAuthURLConfig (optional)

    An optional config object that has the necessary attributes to configure this method. The forceInit attribute can be set to true to trigger a request to the .well-known endpoint and obtain the OIDC endpoints. By default, a request to the .well-known endpoint will be sent only if a request to it had not been sent before. If you wish to force a request to the endpoint, you can use this attribute.

    The object can only contain key-value pairs that you wish to append as path parameters to the authorization URL. For example, to set the fidp parameter, you can insert fidp as a key and its value to this object.

  2. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here to generate an authorization URL specific to that user. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


A Promise that resolves with the authorization URL Parameters.


This method returns a Promise that resolves with the authorization URL Parameters, which then can be used to build the authorization request.


const config = {
    forceInit: true,
    fidp: "fb"



getAuthorizationURL(config?: GetAuthURLConfig, userID?: string): Promise<string>


  1. config: GetAuthURLConfig (optional)

    An optional config object that has the necessary attributes to configure this method. The forceInit attribute can be set to true to trigger a request to the .well-known endpoint and obtain the OIDC endpoints. By default, a request to the .well-known endpoint will be sent only if a request to it had not been sent before. If you wish to force a request to the endpoint, you can use this attribute.

    The object can only contain key-value pairs that you wish to append as path parameters to the authorization URL. For example, to set the fidp parameter, you can insert fidp as a key and its value to this object.

  2. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here to generate an authorization URL specific to that user. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


A Promise that resolves with the authorization URL


This method returns a Promise that resolves with the authorization URL. The user can be redirected to this URL to authenticate themselves and authorize the client.


const config = {
    forceInit: true,
    fidp: "fb"

    window.location.href = url;


requestAccessToken(authorizationCode: string, sessionState: string, state: string, userID?: string, tokenRequestConfig: { params: Record<string, unknown> }): Promise<TokenResponse>


  1. authorizationCode: string

    This is the authorization code obtained from Asgardeo after a user signs in.

  2. sessionState: string

    This is the session state obtained from Asgardeo after a user signs in.

  3. state: string This is the the state parameter passed in the authorization URL.

  4. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here to request an access token specific to that user. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.

  5. tokenRequestConfig: object (optional)

    An optional configuration object that allows you to augment the token request.

    • params (Mandatory): Key-value pairs to be sent as additional parameters in the token request payload.

      tokenRequestConfig: {
          params: Record<string, unknown>


A Promise that resolves with the TokenResponse object.

The object contains data returned by the token response such as the access token, id token, refresh token, etc. You can learn more about the data returned from the TokenResponse section.


This method uses the authorization code and the session state that are passed as arguments to send a request to the token endpoint to obtain the access token and the id token. The sign-in functionality can be implemented by calling the getAuthorizationURL method followed by this method.


auth.requestAccessToken("auth-code", "session-state", "request_0").then((tokenResponse)=>{


getSignOutURL(userID?: string): Promise<string>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


signOutURL: Promise<string>

The user should be redirected to this URL in order to sign out of the server.


This method returns the sign-out URL to which the user should be redirected to be signed out from the server.


// This should be within an async function.
const signOutURL = await auth.getSignOutURL();


getOIDCServiceEndpoints(): Promise<OIDCEndpoints>


oidcEndpoints: Promise<[OIDCEndpoints](#OIDCEndpoints)>

An object containing the OIDC service endpoints returned by the .well-known endpoint.


This method returns the OIDC service endpoints obtained from the .well-known endpoint. To learn more about what endpoints are returned, checkout the OIDCEndpoints section.


// This should be within an async function.
const oidcEndpoints = await auth.getOIDCServiceEndpoints();


getDecodedIDToken(userID?: string): Promise<DecodedIDTokenPayload>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


decodedIDTokenPayload: Promise<[DecodedIDTokenPayload](#DecodedIDTokenPayload)> The decoded ID token payload.


This method decodes the payload of the id token and returns the decoded values.


const decodedIDTokenPayload = await auth.getDecodedIDToken();


getIDToken(userID?: string): Promise<string>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


idToken: Promise<string> The id token.


This method returns the id token.


const idToken = await auth.getIDToken();


getBasicUserInfo(userID?: string): Promise<BasicUserInfo>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


basicUserInfo: Promise<[BasicUserInfo](#BasicUserInfo)> An object containing basic user information obtained from the id token.


This method returns the basic user information obtained from the payload. To learn more about what information is returned, checkout the DecodedIDTokenPayload model.


// This should be used within an async function.
const basicUserInfo = await auth.getBasicUserInfo();


revokeAccessToken(userID?: string): Promise<AxiosResponse>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


A Promise that resolves with the response returned by the server.


This method clears the authentication data and sends a request to revoke the access token. You can use this method if you want to sign the user out of your application but not from the server.




refreshAccessToken(userID?: string): Promise<TokenResponse>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


A Promise that resolves with the token response that contains the token information.


This method sends a refresh-token request and returns a promise that resolves with the token information. To learn more about what information is returned, checkout the TokenResponse model. The existing authentication data in the store is automatically updated with the new information returned by this request.




getAccessToken(userID?: string): Promise<string>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


accessToken: string The access token.


This method returns the access token stored in the store. If you want to send a request to obtain the access token from the server, use the requestAccessToken method.


// This should be used within an async function.
const accessToken = await auth.getAccessToken();


requestCustomGrant(config: CustomGrantConfig, userID?: string): Promise<TokenResponse | AxiosResponse>


  1. config: CustomGrantConfig The config object contains attributes that would be used to configure the custom grant request. To learn more about the different configurations available, checkout the CustomGrantConfig model.

  2. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


A Promise that resolves with the token information or the response returned by the server depending on the configuration passed.


This method can be used to send custom-grant requests to Asgardeo.


    const config = {
      attachToken: false,
      data: {
          client_id: "{{clientID}}",
          grant_type: "account_switch",
          scope: "{{scope}}",
          token: "{{token}}",
      id: "account-switch",
      returnResponse: true,
      returnsSession: true,
      signInRequired: true



isAuthenticated(userID?: string): Promise<boolean>


  1. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


isAuth: boolean A boolean value that indicates of the user is authenticated or not.


This method returns a boolean value indicating if the user is authenticated or not.


// This should be within an async function.
const isAuth = await auth.isAuthenticated();


getPKCECode(state: string, userID?: string): string


  1. state: string The state parameter that was passed in the authorization request.

  2. userID: string (optional)

    If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


pkce: string

The PKCE code


This code returns the PKCE code generated when the authorization URL is generated by the getAuthorizationURL method.


const pkce = auth.getPKCECode(state);


setPKCECode(pkce: string, state: string, userID?: string): void


  1. pkce: string

The PKCE code generated by the getAuthorizationURL method. 2. state: string The state parameter that was passed in the authorization request. 3. userID: string (optional)

If you want to use the SDK to manage multiple user sessions, you can pass a unique ID here. This can be useful when this SDK is used in backend applications.


This method sets the PKCE code to the store. The PKCE code is usually stored in the store by the SDK. But there could be instances when the store could be cleared such as when the data is stored in the memory and the user is redirected to the authorization endpoint in a Single Page Application. When the user is redirected back to the app, the authorization code, session state, and the PKCE code will have to be sent to the server to obtain the access token. However, since, during redirection, everything in the memory is cleared, the PKCE code cannot be obtained. In such instances, the getPKCECode method can be used to get the PKCE code before redirection and store it in a place from where it can be retrieved after redirection, and then this method can be used to save the PKCE code to the store so that the requestAccessToken method can run successfully.


auth.setPKCECode(pkce, state);


static isSignOutSuccessful(signOutRedirectURL: string): boolean

This is a static method.


  1. signOutRedirectURL: string

    The URL to which the user is redirected to after signing out from the server.


isSignedOut: boolean

A boolean value indicating if the user has been signed out or not.


This method returns if the user has been successfully signed out or not. When a user signs out from the server, the user is redirected to the URL specified by the signOutRedirectURL in the config object passed into the constructor of the AsgardeoAuthClient. The server appends path parameters indicating if the sign-out is successful. This method reads the URL and returns if the sign-out is successful or not. So, make sure you pass as the argument the URL to which the user has been redirected to after signing out from the server.


const isSignedOut = auth.isSignOutSuccessful(window.location.href);


static didSignOutFail(signOutRedirectURL: string): boolean

This is a static method.


  1. signOutRedirectURL: string

    The URL to which the user is redirected to after signing out from the server.


didSignOutFail: boolean

A boolean value indicating if sign-out failed or not.


This method returns if sign-out failed or not. When a user signs out from the server, the user is redirected to the URL specified by the signOutRedirectURL in the config object passed into the constructor of the AsgardeoAuthClient. The server appends path parameters indicating if the sign-out is successful. This method reads the URL and returns if the sign-out failed or not. So, make sure you pass as the argument the URL to which the user has been redirected to after signing out from the server.


const didSignOutFail = auth.didSignOutFail(window.location.href);


updateConfig(config: Partial<AuthClientConfig<T>>): Promise<void>


  1. config: AuthClientConfig<T>

The config object containing the attributes that can be used to configure the SDK. To learn more about the available attributes, refer to the AuthClientConfig>T> model.


This method can be used to update the configurations passed into the constructor of the AsgardeoAuthClient. Please note that every attribute in the config object passed as the argument here is optional. Use this method if you want to update certain attributes after instantiating the class.


// This should be within an async function.
await auth.updateConfig({
    signOutRedirectURL: "http://localhost:3000/sign-out"

Data Storage

Since the SDK was developed with the view of being able to support various platforms such as mobile apps, browsers and node.js servers, the SDK allows developers to use their preferred mode of storage. To that end, the SDK allows you to pass a store object when instantiating the AsgardeoAuthClient. This store object contains methods that can be used to store, retrieve and delete data. The SDK provides a Store interface that you can implement to create your own Store class. You can refer to the Store section to learn more about the Store interface.

There are three methods that are to be implemented by the developer. They are

  1. setData
  2. getData
  3. removeData

The setData method is used to store data. The getData method is used to retrieve data. The removeData method is used to delete data. The SDK converts the data to be stored into a JSON string internally and then calls the setData method to store the data. The data is represented as a key-value pairs in the SDK. The SDK uses four keys internally and you can learn about them by referring to the Data Layer section. So, every JSON stringified data value is supposed to be stored against the passed key in the data store. A sample implementation of the Store class using the browser session storage is given here.

class SessionStore implements Store {
    public setData(key: string, value: string): void {
        sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);

    public getData(key: string): string {
        return sessionStorage.getItem(key);

    public removeData(key: string): void {

Data Layer

The data layer is implemented within the SDK encapsulating the Store object passed into the constructor. The data layer acts as the interface between the SDK and the store object and provides a more developer-friendly interface to store, retrieve and delete data. Four keys are used to store four different sets of data. The keys are:

  1. Session Data Stores session data such as the access token, id token, refresh token, session state etc. Refer to SessionData to get the full list of data stored.
  2. OIDC Provider Meta Data Stores regarding OIDC Meta Data obtained from the .well-known endpoint. Refer to OIDCProviderMetaData for the full list of data stored.
  3. Config Data Stores the config data passed to the constructor. Refer to AuthClientConfig<T> for the full list of data stored.
  4. Temporary Data Stores data that is temporary. In most cases, you wouldn't need this.

All these four keys get methods to set, get and remove data as whole. In addition to this, all these keys get methods to set, get, and remove specific data referred to by their respective keys. The following table describes the methods provided by the data layer.

Method Arguments Returns Description
setSessionData sessionData: SessionData Promise<void> Saves session data in bulk.
setOIDCProviderMetaData oidcProviderMetaData: OIDCProviderMetaData Promise<void> Saves OIDC Provider Meta data in bulk.
setConfigData config: AuthClientConfig<T> Promise<void> Saves config data in bulk.
setTemporaryData data: TemporaryData Promise<void> Saves temporary data in bulk.
getSessionData Promise<SessionData> Retrieves session data in bulk.
getOIDCProviderMetaData Promise<OIDCProviderMetaData> Retrieves OIDC Provider Meta data in bulk.
getConfigData Promise<AuthClientConfig<T>> Retrieves config data in bulk.
getTemporaryData Promise<{ [key: string]: StoreValue}> Retrieves temporary data in bulk.
removeSessionData Promise<void> Removes session data in bulk.
removeOIDCProviderMetaData Promise<void> Removes OIDC Provider Meta data in bulk.
removeConfigData Promise<void> Removes config data in bulk.
removeTemporaryData Promise<void> Removes temporary data in bulk.
setSessionDataParameter key: keyof SessionData, value: StoreValue Promise<void> Saves the passed data against the specified key in the session data.
setOIDCProviderMetaDataParameter key: keyof OIDCProviderMetaData, value: StoreValue Promise<void> Saves the passed data against the specified key in the OIDC Provider Meta data.
setConfigDataParameter key: keyof AuthClientConfig<T>, value: StoreValue Promise<void> Saves the passed data against the specified key in the config data.
setTemporaryDataParameter key: string, value: StoreValue Promise<void> Saves the passed data against the specified key in the temporary data.
getSessionDataParameter key: keyof SessionData Promise<StoreValue> Retrieves the data for the specified key from the session data.
getOIDCProviderMetaDataParameter key: keyof OIDCProviderMetaData Promise<StoreValue> Retrieves the data for the specified key from the OIDC Provider Meta data.
getConfigDataParameter key: keyof AuthClientConfig<T> Promise<StoreValue> Retrieves the data for the specified key from the config data.
getTemporaryDataParameter key: string Promise<StoreValue> Retrieves the data for the specified key from the temporary data.
removeSessionDataParameter key: keyof SessionData Promise<void> Removes the data with the specified key from the session data.
removeOIDCProviderMetaDataParameter key: keyof OIDCProviderMetaData Promise<void> Removes the data with the specified key from the OIDC Provider Meta data.
removeConfigDataParameter key: keyof AuthClientConfig<T> Promise<void> Removes the data with the specified key from the config data.
removeTemporaryDataParameter key: string Promise<void> Removes the data with the specified key from the temporary data.


The CryptoUtils interface defines the methods required to perform cryptographic operations such as producing a PKCE code and verifying ID tokens. The following table describes the methods provided by the CryptoUtils interface.

Method Arguments Returns Description
base64urlEncode input: T string Encodes the passed input string to a base64url encoded string.
base64urlDecode input: string string Decodes the passed input string from a base64url encoded string.
hashSha256 input: string T Hashes the passed input string using SHA-256.
generateRandomBytes length: number T Generates random bytes of the specified length.
verifyJwt jwt: string, jwk: JWKInterface Promise<boolean> Verifies the passed JWT using the passed JWK.

NOTE: The return type of the hashSha256 and generateRandomBytes method should be the same as the type of the argument of the base64urlEncode method.

These methods should be implemented in a class and the instance of the class should be passed as an argument into the constructor of AsgardeoAuthClient.



This model has the following attributes.

Attribute Required/Optional Type Default Value Description
signInRedirectURL Required string "" The URL to redirect to after the user authorizes the client app. eg: https//localhost:3000/sign-in
signOutRedirectURL Optional string The signInRedirectURL URL will be used if this value is not provided. The URL to redirect to after the user
clientHost Optional string The origin of the client app obtained using window.origin The hostname of the client app. eg: https://localhost:3000
clientID Required string "" The client ID of the OIDC application hosted in the Asgardeo.
clientSecret Optional string "" The client secret of the OIDC application
enablePKCE Optional boolean true Specifies if a PKCE should be sent with the request for the authorization code.
prompt Optional string "" Specifies the prompt type of an OIDC request
responseMode Optional ResponseMode "query" Specifies the response mode. The value can either be query or form_post
scope Optional string[] ["openid"] Specifies the requested scopes.
baseUrl Required (If wellKnownEndpoint or endpoints is not provided) string "" The origin of the Identity Provider. eg:<org_name>.
endpoints Optional (Required to provide all endpoints, if wellKnownEndpoint or baseUrl is not provided) OIDCEndpoints OIDC Endpoints Default Values The OIDC endpoint URLs. The SDK will try to obtain the endpoint URLS
wellKnownEndpoint Optional (Required if baseUrl or endpoints is not provided) string "/oauth2/token/.well-known/openid-configuration" The URL of the .well-known endpoint.
validateIDToken Optional boolean true Allows you to enable/disable JWT ID token validation after obtaining the ID token.
validateIDTokenIssuer(optional) boolean true Allows you to enable/disable JWT ID token issuer validation after obtaining the ID token (This config is applicable only when JWT ID token validation is enabled).
clockTolerance Optional number 60 Allows you to configure the leeway when validating the id_token.
sendCookiesInRequests Optional boolean true Specifies if cookies should be sent in the requests.
sendIdTokenInLogoutRequest Optional boolean false Specifies if id_token_hint parameter should be sent in the logout request instead of the default client_id parameter.

The AuthClientConfig<T> can be extended by passing an interface as the generic type. For example, if you want to add an attribute called foo to the config object, you can create an interface called Bar and pass that as the generic type into the AuthClientConfig<T> interface.

interface Bar {
    foo: string

const config: AuthClientConfig<Bar> ={


Method Required/Optional Arguments Returns Description
setData Required key: string, value: string Promise<void> This method saves the passed value to the store. The data to be saved is JSON stringified so will be passed by the SDK as a string.
getData Required key: string|string This method retrieves the data from the store and returns a Promise that resolves with it. Since the SDK stores the data as a JSON string, the returned value will be a string.
removeData Required key: string Promise<void> Removes the data with the specified key from the store.


Method Required/Optional Type Default Value Description
fidp Optional string "" The fidp parameter that can be used to redirect a user directly to an IdP's sign-in page.
forceInit Optional boolean false Forces obtaining the OIDC endpoints from the .well-known endpoint. A request to this endpoint is not sent if a request has already been sent. This forces a request.
key: string Optional string | boolean "" Any key-value pair to be appended as path parameters to the authorization URL.


Method Type Description
accessToken string The access token.
idToken string The id token.
expiresIn string The expiry time in seconds.
scope string The scope of the token.
refreshToken string The refresh token.
tokenType string The token type.


Method Type Default Value Description
authorizationEndpoint string "/oauth2/authorize" The authorization endpoint.
tokenEndpoint string "/oauth2/token" The token endpoint.
userinfoEndpoint string "" The user-info endpoint.
jwksUri string "/oauth2/jwks" The JWKS URI.
registrationEndpoint string "" The registration endpoint.
revocationEndpoint string "/oauth2/revoke" The token-revocation endpoint.
introspectionEndpoint string "" The introspection endpoint.
checkSessionIframe string "/oidc/checksession" The check-session endpoint.
endSessionEndpoint string "/oidc/logout" The end-session endpoint.
issuer string "" The issuer of the token.


Method Type Description
aud string | string[] The audience.
sub string The subject. This is the username of the user.
iss string The token issuer.
email string The email address.
preferred_username string The preferred username.
tenant_domain string The tenant domain to which the user belongs.


Attribute Required/Optional Type Default Value Description
id Required string "" Every custom-grant request should have an id. This attributes takes that id.
data Required any null The data that should be sent in the body of the custom-grant request. You can use template tags to send session information. Refer to the Custom Grant Template Tags section for more details.
signInRequired Required boolean false Specifies if the user should be sign-in or not to dispatch this custom-grant request.
attachToken Required boolean false Specifies if the access token should be attached to the header of the request.

💡 Note : If the request is credentialed, server must specify a domain, and cannot use wild carding. This would lead to CORS errors and if you intend to bypass this behavior per request, add wihCredentials: false to the httpRequest config.
returnsSession Required boolean false Specifies if the the request returns session information such as the access token.
tokenEndpoint Optional string null Token endpoint is an optional parameter which can be used to provide an optional token endpoint that will be used instead of default token endpoint.

Custom Grant Template Tags

Session information can be attached to the body of a custom-grant request using template tags. This is useful when the session information is not exposed outside the SDK but you want such information to be used in custom-grant requests. The following table lists the available template tags.

Tag Data
"{{token}}" The access token.
{{username}}" The username.
"{{scope}}" The scope.
{{clientID}}" The client ID.
"{{clientSecret}}" The client secret.


Attribute Type description
access_token string The access token.
id_token string The id token.
expires_in string The expiry time.
scope string The scope.
refresh_token string The refresh token.
token_type string The token type.
session_state string The session state obtained after authentication.
created_at number The time when the session was created.


Attribute Type description
issuer string URL using the https scheme with no query or fragment component that the OP asserts as its Issuer Identifier.
authorization_endpoint string URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Authorization Endpoint.
token_endpoint string URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint.
userinfo_endpoint string URL of the OP's UserInfo Endpoint.
jwks_uri string URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document. This contains the signing key(s) the RP uses to validate signatures from the OP.
registration_endpoint string URL of the OP's Dynamic Client Registration Endpoint
scopes_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] scope values that this server supports.
response_types_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that this OP supports.
response_modes_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_mode values that this OP supports.
grant_types_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 Grant Type values that this OP supports.
acr_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the Authentication Context Class References that this OP supports.
subject_types_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the Subject Identifier types that this OP supports.
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms(alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT [JWT].
id_token_encryption_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT [JWT].
id_token_encryption_enc_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT [JWT].
userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWS [JWS] signing algorithms (alg values) [JWA] supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the Claims in a JWT [JWT].
userinfo_encryption_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWE [JWE] encryption algorithms (alg values) [JWA] supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the Claims in a JWT [JWT].
userinfo_encryption_enc_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) [JWA] supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the Claims in a JWT [JWT]
request_object_signing_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects
request_object_encryption_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects.
request_object_encryption_enc_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the OP for Request Objects.
token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of Client Authentication methods supported by this Token Endpoint.
token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Token Endpoint for the signature on the JWT [JWT] used to authenticate the Client at the Token Endpoint for the private_key_jwt and client_secret_jwt authentication methods.
display_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the display parameter values that the OpenID Provider supports.
claim_types_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the Claim Types that the OpenID Provider supports.
claims_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the Claim Names of the Claims that the OpenID Provider MAY be able to supply values for.
service_documentation string URL of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using the OpenID Provider.
claims_locales_supported string[] Languages and scripts supported for values in Claims being returned, represented as a JSON array of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values. Not all languages and scripts are necessarily supported for all Claim values.
ui_locales_supported string[] Languages and scripts supported for the user interface, represented as a JSON array of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values.
claims_parameter_supported boolean Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the claims parameter, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is false.
request_parameter_supported boolean Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request parameter, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is false.
request_uri_parameter_supported boolean Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri parameter, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is true.
require_request_uri_registration boolean Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any request_uri values used to be pre-registered using the request_uris registration parameter.
op_policy_uri string URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP.
op_tos_uri string URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about OpenID Provider's terms of service.
revocation_endpoint string URL of the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 revocation endpoint.
revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of client authentication methods supported by this revocation endpoint.
revocation_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms ("alg" values) supported by the revocation endpoint for the signature on the JWT [JWT] used to authenticate the client at the revocation endpoint for the "private_key_jwt" and "client_secret_jwt" authentication methods.
introspection_endpoint string URL of the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint.
introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of client authentication methods supported by this introspection endpoint.
introspection_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms ("alg" values) supported by the introspection endpoint for the signature on the JWT [JWT] used to authenticate the client at the introspection endpoint for the "private_key_jwt" and "client_secret_jwt" authentication methods.
code_challenge_methods_supported string[] JSON array containing a list of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) [RFC7636] code challenge methods supported by this authorization server.
check_session_iframe string URL of an OP iframe that supports cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP Client, using the HTML5 postMessage API.
end_session_endpoint string URL at the OP to which an RP can perform a redirect to request that the End-User be logged out at the OP.
backchannel_logout_supported boolean Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports back-channel logout, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is false.
backchannel_logout_session_supported boolean Boolean value specifying whether the OP can pass a sid (session ID) Claim in the Logout Token to identify the RP session with the OP.


Temporary data accepts any key-value pair.

Attribute Type
[key: string] string


The StoreValue is a type that accepts strings, string arrays, booleans, numbers and OIDCEndpoints.

type StoreValue = string | string[] | boolean | number | OIDCEndpoints;


Attribute Type Description
email string The email address of the user.
username string The username of the user.
displayName string The display name of the user. It is the preferred_username in the id token payload or the sub.
allowedScopes string The scopes allowed for the user.
tenantDomain string The tenant domain to which the user belongs.
sessionState string The session state.
sub string The uid corresponding to the user to whom the ID token belongs to.

In addition to the above attributes, this object will also contain any other claim found in the ID token payload.


Attribute Type Description
kty string The type of the key. Must be one of RSA, EC, oct or OKP.
kid string The key ID.
use string The intended use of the public key. Must be one of sig or enc.
alg string The algorithm intended for use with the key.
n string The public modulus.
e string The public exponent.



  • Node.js (version 10 or above).
  • yarn package manager.

Installing Dependencies

The repository is a mono repository. The SDK repository is found in the lib directory. You can install the dependencies by running the following command at the root.

yarn build

Error Codes

Error code consist of four parts separated by a -.

  • The first part refers to the SDK. Example: JS refers to this SDK.

  • The second part refers to the code file. Example: AUTH_CORE refers to the authentication-core.ts file.

  • The third part is the abbreviation of the name of the method/function that threw the error. If there are more than one method/function with the same abbreviation, then a number based on the order of declaration is appended to the abbreviation. Example: RAT1 refers to the requestAccessToken method. There are two methods that can be abbreviated to RAT but since 1 has been appended to RAT, we know it refers to requestAccessToken since it is declared first.

  • The fourth part refers to the type of error and is position. Example: NE02 refers to a network error and the fact that this is the second error in the method/function. The following error types are available:

    Error Code Description
    NE Network Error
    HE Http Error
    IV Invalid
    NF Not Found
    TO Timeout
    SE Server Error


Please read Contributing to the Code Base for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Reporting issues

We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests creating Github Issues.

Important: And please be advised that security issues must be reported to security@wso2com, not as GitHub issues, in order to reach the proper audience. We strongly advise following the WSO2 Security Vulnerability Reporting Guidelines when reporting the security issues.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.