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The code for CS427 Android app.


Team #40 member's information

Name NetID GitHub ID Role Experience
Doran Gurbanseyidov dovrang2 D-TM Manager JAVA,C++,Python
Alex Castillo acast23 castilloalex Developer JAVA, C++, Python
Anthony Xu ayx2 anthonyx24 Developer Python, JAVA, C++
Alex Che alexmc2 AlexChe123 Tech Lead Python, SQL, JAVA
Alexander Yasumoto ay13 patternfinder03 Developer Python, C, JAVA
Henry Chen tc30 IFOnlyC Developer JAVA, JavaScript, Python
Nandini Deore ndeore2 NandiniUIUC Developer JAVA, SQL, C++
Ashley Wang azw6 ashley7wang Developer JAVA, C++, Python

Weekly Progress Reports

Meeting time: Oct 10, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every week on Thu, until Dec 12, 2024, 10 occurrence(s)
Meeting location (zoom link):

Week 1
Members present: Everyone was present at the meeting.
Meeting notes: We reviewed the overall project requirements and the logistics for Deliverable 1. We also confirmed that everyone on our team can build the app locally and discussed their programming languages and skills.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
acast23 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
ayx2 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
alexmc2 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
ay13 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
tc30 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
ndeore2 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2
azw6 Cloned group project and build Start with Milestone 2

Week 2
Members present: dovrang2, acast23, ayx2, alexmc2, ay13, ndeore2, azw6
Meeting notes: We reviewed the requirements for Deliverables-2 and have begun working on both informal and fully dressed use cases.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Requirement Engineering-discussion Keep track of progress
acast23 Requirement Engineering-discussion Remaing tasks
ayx2 Requirement Engineering-discussion Remaing tasks
alexmc2 Requirement Engineering-discussion Fully detailed use cases
ay13 Requirement Engineering-discussion UML diagram
ndeore2 Requirement Engineering-discussion Remaing tasks
azw6 Requirement Engineering-discussion Remaing tasks

Week 3
Members present: dovrang2, acast23, ayx2, tc30, ay13, ndeore2, azw6
Meeting notes: The remaining tasks for deliverable-2 were completed and then reviewed prior to submission.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Arrange meeting and assign taks Review deliverable 3
acast23 Formal use cases Review deliverable 3
ayx2 Component Transition Graph Review deliverable 3
tc30 Component Transition Graph Review deliverable 3
ay13 UML implement three new changes Review deliverable 3
ndeore2 Formal use cases: table Review deliverable 3
azw6 Component Transition Graph Review deliverable 3

Week 4
Members present: dovrang2, acast23, ayx2, tc30, ay13, alexmc2, azw6
Meeting notes: We discussed the project's needs and divided the workload among the team members, drawing on our past experiences.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Brainstormed the project's requirements Update weekly report
acast23 Brainstormed the project's requirements Task-1 "Login with user credentials and see the previously added cities"
ayx2 Brainstormed the project's requirements Task-1 Login with user credentials
tc30 Brainstormed the project's requirements Task-3 Customized UI for different users
ay13 Brainstormed the project's requirements Task-2 "Ability to add new locations or remove a location"
alexmc2 Brainstormed the project's requirements DB design/setup (userid/psswd, cities, premiuim, theme) /Code documentation
azw6 Brainstormed the project's requirements Task-3 Customized UI for different users
ndeore2 Brainstormed the project's requirements DB design/setup (userid/psswd, cities, premiuim, theme)

Week 5
Members present: All members are present.
Meeting notes: As a group, we tested features, merged them to the main branch, and assigned tasks for milestone-3.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Checking team progress, test locally Update weekly report, GCP account and API key for Google Maps
acast23 Task-1(cities) implementation Milestone-3 - Task-1 Implementation of two buttons for weather and map
ayx2 Task-1(login) implementation Milestone-3 - Task-1 Implementation of two buttons for weather and map
tc30 Task-3(theme) implementation Milestone-3 - Task-1 Implementation of weather screen
ay13 Task-2(location) implementation Milestone-3 - Task-1 Implementation of weather screen
alexmc2 Showing username in the main screen Milestone-3 - Task-2 Implementation of map screen
azw6 Task-3(uxui) implementation Milestone-3 - Task-2 Implementation of map feature
ndeore2 Firebase db implementation Milestone-3 - Task-2 Implementation of map screen

Week 6
Members present: All members are present.
Meeting notes: Tested the features of Weather(Task-1) and the Map(Task-3), which is currently hardcoded, but we reviewed the layout. Also, discussed the implementation of Task-2 for Gemini LLM and assigned individual tasks.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Checking team progress, test locally Update weekly report
acast23 Task-1(weather) implementation-50% Task-1 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.
tc30 Task-1 OpenWeatherMap API-70% Task-1 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.
ayx2 Task-2(LLM) research Task-2 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.
alexmc2 Task-2(LLM) research Task-2 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.
azw6 Task-2(LLM) research Task-2 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.
ay13 Task-3(MAP) implementation-60% Task-3 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.
ndeore2 Task-3(MAP) implementation-50% Task-3 Addressing the outstanding items on the tasks.

Week 7
Members present: All members are present.
Meeting notes: Tested the features of Weather(Task-1) and the Map(Task-3), Merged changes for Task-2 LLM implentation and reviewed all the requirments.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Checking team progress, test locally Update weekly report
alexmc2 Task-2(LLM)- Milestone-4 recording Review Milestone - 5
tc30 Task-1 Implenmatation and Documentation Review Milestone - 5
ayx2 Task-2 Implenmatation and Documentation Review Milestone - 5
acast23 Task-2 Implenmatation and Documentation Review Milestone - 5
azw6 Task-2 Implenmatation and Documentation Review Milestone - 5
ay13 Task-3 Implenmatation and Documentation Review Milestone - 5
ndeore2 Task-3 Implenmatation and Documentation Review Milestone - 5

Week 8
Members present: All members are present.
Meeting notes: Group members have been assigned tasks, and project requirements have been reviewed.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Checking team progress Update weekly report
alexmc2 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing location feature (two cities)
tc30 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing weather feature (two cities)
ayx2 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing user login with LLM
acast23 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing removing an existing city
azw6 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing “Weather Insight” feature
ay13 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing adding a new city
ndeore2 Reviewed Milestone - 5 requirments Testing user log off

Week 9
Members present: dovrang2, alexmc2, tc30, ayx2, acast23, ndeore2
Meeting notes: A progress check was conducted with team members. Most have recently recommenced their work and have committed to finalizing their contributions by Thursday. These contributions will subsequently be merged into the development branch.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Checking team progress, test locally Update weekly report
alexmc2 Testing location feature (two cities) Finish remaining task
tc30 Testing weather feature (two cities) Finish remaining task
ayx2 Testing user login with LLM Finish remaining task
acast23 Testing removing an existing city Finish remaining task
azw6 Testing “Weather Insight” feature Finish remaining task
ay13 Testing adding a new city Finish remaining task
ndeore2 Testing user sign up with LLM Finish remaining task

Week 10
Members present: List the NetID of the people who attended the meeting
Meeting notes: We reviewed progress, identified remaining tasks, and assigned the bonus task to the group manager.

NetID Progress from last week Tasks for next week
dovrang2 Jacoco Report for Bonus Update weekly report
alexmc2 Testing location feature (two cities) Submit Report and video
tc30 Done with weather feature (two cities) Finish remaining task
ayx2 Done with user login with LLM Finish documentation
acast23 Testing removing an existing city Finish remaining task
azw6 Testing “Weather Insight” feature Finish remaining task
ay13 Testing adding a new city Finish remaining task
ndeore2 Done with task sign up with LLM Finish documentation


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