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This is the part of 30 Days of JS link

DAY - 1

Learned to use window.addEventListner() and also learnt to play audio in the kewboard drum set. Learned to use JS DOM methods.

DAY - 2

Made a JS clock and Learned about Date methods in JS such as getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getHours() stc also learned little about CSS transitions.

DAY - 3

Just done a exercise to update the CSS variables using JS. Learned about CSS variables and change according to the input using JS.

DAY - 4

Just learn about different Array methods such as Array.filter(), Array.reduce(), Array.sort(), Practiced them with the exercises given in the course

DAY - 5

Learned about flexbox and different flex propertie and used JS DOM manipulations to make flex panels and toggle them.

DAY - 6

Learned about AJAX and RegExp and fetch to extract data from json file and find it using html. Also used various Array Methods

DAY - 7

Worked on different Array methods such as Array.find(), Array.splice(),Array.every(), Array.some(). Expanded knowledge on Array methods.

DAY - 8

Learned about HTML canvas and made a interseting small canvas using it.

DAY - 9

Learned about different dev tools and used various console methods. Console methods such as console.warn(), console.error(),,,console.time() etc.

DAY - 10

Learned to use DOM methods to hold shift to check multiple Checkboxes.

DAY - 11

Learned to make a video player and added features such as volume Button, skip Button, update BUtton, toggle and fullscreen.

DAY - 12

Made a key code detection which broughts changes in the screen when the particular key sequence is typed.

DAY - 13

Made a webpage where the images come sliding in the frame when you are near it . Used Dom manipulations to get work on it.

DAY - 14

Learn about how to copy arrays and and objects in JS. how to prevent referencing in the arrrays and different methods of copying such as Array.slice(), Array.from(), [].concat(Array) and [..Array] Also Learn to copy objects with the help of Object.assign() and {... object} .

DAY - 15

Learned about localStorage and Event delegation. Also used localStorage.setItem() .

DAY - 16

Made a mouse shadow property using DOM and text shadow

DAY - 17

Completed a challenge in sorting an array excluding Articles(a,an,the). Used Array.sort() printed the Sorted Array on the screen

DAY - 18

Completed a challenge of counting the whole time of videos in a list and print out in form of hours,minutes,seconds. Used and Array.reduce() .

DAY - 19

Learned to use webcam using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() Also used varoius JavaScript Methods to add filters in the webcam. Also It can click photo and you can download it .

DAY - 20

Learned about speechRecognition API and used it to make a simple application.

DAY - 21

Also used inbuild Javascript geolocation API to make a speedometer and a compass.

DAY - 22

Just completed a challenge on highlighting the links as we enter the mouse in it

DAY - 23

Learned about speechSynthesis API and converted text to speech. Also brought changes in pitch and speed of the voice.

DAY - 24

Learned to how to set a fixed navbar using javascript.

DAY - 25

Learned about different topics such as Event propogation, bubbling, capturing and once. Used e.stopPropagation() to stop capturing.

DAY - 26

Made a follow along dropdown using JavaScript. used getBoundingClientRect() to get coordinates of components .

DAY - 27

Made a Click and drag page using JavaScript. Used JS DOM methods.

DAY - 28

Made a video speed controller UI.

DAY - 29

Made a countdown timer with additional features such as specified timer .

DAY - 30

Made a whack a Mole game. Used DOM manipulations learned till now.

30 Days JS Challenge Finished


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