This is a random password generator build using Python.
The difference is that PasswordGenerator only generates the password and able to copy to clipboard. Once think if the password is not remembered by the user so in order to save the generated password in encrypted file using AES Encryption by generating the key, I have implemented encrypting and decrypting using cryptography python module. It is secure and without the key no one can decrypt the encrypted password
Modules Used:
- PyQt5 -> For GUI
- Random -> For randomizing characters
- String -> For generating letters, numbers and punctuation
- pyperclip -> For copying to clipboard
- cryptography -> For generating key, loading key, encrypting and decrypting file.
Note: You need to install PyQt5, pyperclip, cryptography before running the script else the program won't work.
To install these modules type this two commands in your terminal:
-> pip install pyqt5
-> pip install pyperclip
-> pip install cryptography