PrestoDB with external database integration using docker compose file. PrestoDB is used to maintain Structured, Semi-structured and unstructured data permanently
Tested in Docker Version 20.x.x, Docker Compose version 1.29.x
Watch youtube video for more details
Docker Compose command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-presto-mongo.yml up
- Connecting Prestodb, mongodb & mysql
- Creating individual tables in mongodb and prestidb
- Query data from prestodb to retrieve data from mongodb and mysql
- Create a join query from prestodb for the table between mongodb & mysql
Watch youtube video for more details
Docker Compose command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-presto-mysql-mongo.yml up
After docker compose command follow the below commands to execute the container
Description | Docker Execution Command |
To Connect Prestodb | docker exec -it presto presto-cli |
To connect mongoDB | docker exec -it presto-mongo mongosh |
To connect mysql | docker exec -it presto-mysql mysql -h localhost -u root -p |
Sample MongoDB Query from MongoDB Container
use presto_to_mongodb;
db.createCollection("book"){"id":1, "book_name":"harry potter" }){"id":2, "book_name":"the wicked king" })
Sample SQL Query from mysql Container
CREATE DATABASE presto_to_mysql;
show databases;
use presto_to_mysql;
show tables;
create table author(id bigint, author varchar(255));
insert into author values(1, "Rowlings");
insert into author values(2, "Holly Black");
Sample query to manipulate mongodb and mysql from PrestoDB
show catalogs;
show schemas in mongodb;
use mongodb.presto_to_mongodb;
select * from book;
show schemas in mysql;
use mysql.presto_to_mysql;
select * from author;
Join Query between mongodb and mysql from prestodb;
select * from A join B on;
Watch youtube video for more details
Docker Compose command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-presto-kafka.yml up
After docker compose command follow the below commands to execute the container
Description | Docker Execution Command |
To Connect Prestodb | docker exec -it presto presto-cli |
To Connect Kafka | docker exec -it presto-kafka bash |
Commands for showing list of topics, Consume selected topic and Produce messages in selected topic
docker exec -it presto-kafka bash /bin/kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
docker exec -it presto-kafka bash /bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic codespotify.presto_kafka_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
docker exec -it presto-kafka bash /bin/kafka-console-producer --topic codespotify.presto_kafka_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
Query to execute from PrestoDB to manipulate kafka messages
show schemas in kafka.codespotify;
select _message from kafka.codespotify.presto_kafka_topic;
Watch youtube video for more details
Docker Compose command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-presto-elasticsearch.yml up
After docker compose command follow the below commands to execute the container
Description | Docker Execution Command |
To Connect Prestodb | docker exec -it presto presto-cli |
Create new Elasticsearch Index
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9200/presto_es_index/ | json_pp
Search records in Elasticsearch Index
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9200/presto_es_index/_search | json_pp
Create new record in Elasticsearch
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9200/presto_es_index/_doc -d '{ "youtube" : "Welcome To CodeSpotify", "myname": "Aswin"}' | json_pp
Query to execute from PrestoDB to manipulate Elasticsearch index
show catalogs;
show schemas in elasticsearch;
select * from elasticsearch.presto_es_index.presto_es_index;