This repository includes a set of algorithms and auxiliary methods to validate the behavior of a digital twin (DT) against its physical counterpart. This validation is based on a trace alignment algorithm named Needleman-Wunsch that is usually employed for the alignment of character traces common in fields like bioinformatics to represent proteins. Our approach adapts this algorithm to align the traces that describe the behavior of out DT system.
The methods regarding the trace alignment are located in: /trace-alignment-fot-dts/src/main/java/alignment/
The synthetic traces used for the alignments are located in: /trace-alignment-fot-dts/src/main/resources/input/
The alignments performed from the synthetic traces are located in: /trace-alignment-fot-dts/src/main/resources/output/
The auxiliary methods that measure the distance between snapshots and produce the alignment plots are available in: /trace-alignment-fot-dts/src/main/python/
The original version of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm was taken from the NeoBio library.