PHP Fluent Http Client is a library for handling http requests and responses with a fluent api.
You have two options to use it on your project :
- Installing via composer.
"require": {
"athena-oss/php-fluent-http-client": "0.7.0",
- Download the latest release
- header value
- content type
- status code
$responseJson = (new HttpClient())->get('')
->withHeader('name', 'value')
->withProxy('', 3128)
->headerValueIsEqual('expected_header', 'expected_value')
$responseString = (new HttpClient())->put('')
->withDigestAuth('myusername', 'mypassword')
->withProxy('http://myproxy', 1234)
->withBody('my content', 'my content type')
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Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (APLv2).